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There was never anyone who had caught my attention more than the man who sat in front of me now. Nights were filled with Shaw, his scent, his warmth and my favorite; his eyes. Even though we spent a lot of time with each other nearly every night, nothing made us share anything about our own lives. 

I was a woman who got on the bus late, he was the occasionally injured man who followed. 

And my first impression of him-that he was too much- was right. Too handsome, too cloaked and too... intriguing. 

The bus came to a rattly stop, doors opening quickly as Shaw and I hopped off, chucking a few more dollars into Jerry's till. Shaw's large hand was hovering at the bottom of my back, head constantly looking around into the dark night. 

He was always doing that. And judging by the injuries that were consistently appearing, he was involved in something dangerous. Man, I could sure pick'em. But the thing is, when you spent so much time with someone who made you feel safe and fiercely attracted to them, you couldn't let go of them so easily. 

I had learnt enough in the way of my family to know this. 

Shaw's eyes glinted a slight gold in the street lights, his form towering over my already tall frame. Placing my hands on my hips I looked up at the particular shiner over his lip- a cut that went from his nose down to his chin and through his lips. Gorgeous lips. 

"I want to know why you have that." 

Shaw stiffened, fingers clenching to a bone white. If I hadn't known any better I would have thought he would hit me. He sighed deeply, teeth gritted. "I can't tell you." 

"You haven't even tried. And, you strike me as a person who doesn't do well with orders. Tell me" 

The unspoken threat hung low in the brisk air, a pained sound erupting from Shaw's throat. "I was a dangerous man. And now, I want to stop. So, I'm constantly being challenged for a period of time until I can leave." 

Oh. And that meant, wherever he went or whoever he associated with would be targeted. But Shaw had a loneliness in his eyes that I didn't want to leave. The shadows over his face were proof enough of that. I reached out to him, noticing the way they twitched towards mine, but grasped them anyway. So warm. It was like holding a bittersweet ending.

"If you try to make me leave, I will castrate you." I grinned slightly. "If you're into that, then I'll have to work something else out" 

My humour was so f*cked up. But his eyes twinkled with laughter. "You can't leave me. And I won't leave you. So Shaw, tonight, you're coming back to my house and I will take care of you everyday for the rest of the challenges" I stared him down, feeling his fight leaving him. 

He had been strong so long, and needed someone to fight for him. 

I would have the pleasure of doing that. Gripping his arm firmly, I turned around and walked steadily with my man towing behind. 



She led me to a tall building in the more lower middle class part of town. I didn't care. Her hand was firmly around my own, tendrils of warmth encompassing me from her slight touch. 

"This is my house. Sit down" Her tone was firm, leaving no room for argument. Xerxe's apartment was on the top floor and suited her perfectly. A dark bronze and gold colour scheme through the house with black furniture. Plus, the smell of cinnamon was just her. 

Xerxes threw her bag onto one of the couches, walking quickly to the kitchen. She was truly gorgeous, inside and out. I didn't realize I needed her to push for me, needed her to reach out and keeping reaching out until she grasped my hand and my heart. 

"You like coffee?" Her voice was husk and silk, calling me out of my thoughts. I nodded, standing to go and help her. She watched me with blank eyes, rewarding me with a smile that just lit up the dark room. I could tell she was strong, but from the nights I spent with her, she continued to retain and increase my interest. 

I wanted to make her happy. And she wanted to look after me? 

God is real, and he is good. 

"I wasn't joking you know. You are going to stay here, and you are going to enjoy it" 

I cracked a smile, looking up to her turned away face. "Trust me, I'm staying whether you like it or not" 

And the blush that lit her cheeks, my heart was gone. But, with all these up and coming challenges I wasn't sure I should still be here. She flipped her hair over one shoulder, and all doubt removed from her head. 

I would protect her. 

I just didn't know if I would make it out alive. Xerxes snapped me out of my thoughts, placing a steaming cup of coffee in front of me. She sat close, heat emanating from her body. Xerxes pulled her legs up to her body, a charmingly adorable manner that made me smile. 

"You can sleep in my bed. But I have work most days from 7am on wards" 

Her eyes flicked to mine, a deep troubled look within them as she sipped her coffee. "You don't have to talk to me, but just let me know if you need...someone here." Her eyes glazed over, nostalgia filling her mind. "It's better to just say that, then to let someone leave when you really needed them" 

We sat in silence, Xerxes mulling thoughts over in her head as I watched. There was a lot going on with this woman- now or in the past. And judging by how infatuated I was becoming with her, well into the future also. I crept my hand onto hers, lacing our fingers together. 

Bronze and white skin. 

"I'll stay" 

Because I knew she needed someone here as much as I did.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2016 ⏰

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