Laito x Shy! Reader

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(A/N: OK, so I wrote this part in school aand I just recently finished the first season of Diabolik Lovers... and Laito will probably really OOC... aaand also my english isn't thaat good so.. If it sounds strange... sooooorryyyyy... ^^' But still I hope you'll enjoy my stories~ ^^)

Speaking was always really difficult for you since you are really shy. So.. living under the roof with the 6 (Hot - lol xD) vampires is excausting. Especially talking to Laito. You are always teased by him whenever he is around you. He loves seeing you all flustered ans unable to speak.

You are in your room doing your honework. You love being all alone and it always brought you peace. Of course that peace wouldn't hold for long...

"Ne Chibi-chan~ what are you doing?"


Alone his presence makes you all nervous.

"You know that can wait, right? After all it's weekend!~"

He slowly came closer behind you and you didn't even dared to look around. He softly wispered in your ear "I'm hungry, so let me bite you~" Not that you could do anything against him to prevent him to bite you anyway...

"N-no.. I n-need to d-do m-my homew-work first..."

"I toll you already, that can wait."

He wraped his arms around you and scooped you up with ease - which is suprising since he is so slender. You gasped because of that sudden movement and hold onto him tightly.

"Fufufu~ Do you want to feel my fangs that bad?"

"N-n-no!! I-I..."

You tried to wiggle yourself free, to no avail. He was stronger than he actually looks. Laito easily throws you on the bed and hovers himself above your even smaller and fragiler form than Yui's.

"Now, where do you want me to bite you first?~ Now I grand you the chance to choose for yourself."

You just lied there trying to stutter an excuse for him to not bite and suck your blood. Of course even If you would find an proper excuse, that won't hold him of.

"Since you won't tell me I will just bite your shoulder. Be prepared, Chibi-chan~ I will suck your blood until no drop is left~"

Why did you choose to stay at home and draw as to go to the self-defence training your mother signed you in...?

(A/N: OK that story really is bad! XD)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2016 ⏰

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