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"And then he got down on one knee giving me this huge speech about how he loved me and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. Of course I said yes. It was so romantic, I-" My driver kept talking about how her boyfriend proposed to her not to long ago. I honestly wanted to gag. Love wasn't something that I enjoyed or understood. Don't get me wrong, I know it exists, but after you get your heart broken it just doesn't matter to you anymore.

The car slows down to a stop outside of a new building with people bustling around inside, "Well here's your stop. Enjoy your night."

Smiling at the lady appreciatively I slip her a twenty and position my mask over my face. Sliding out of the car I sashay into the building and gaze around. I didn't know anything about who I'd be accompanying, all I knew was that they were supposed to find me. Making my way through the crowd I take in the beautiful paintings that hung throughout the gallery.

Five minutes turn into thirty, and I'm still waiting for my client to appear. The painting in front of me is of black claw marks with multiple colours coming from inside on a solid white canvas. In a sense it was plain and very connotative but if you were imaginative you could say it was a tribute to autism awareness.

I get lost in the possibilities of the painting when someone behind me speaks. "It's beautiful isn't it?"

Turning around I come face to face with the owner of the lilting voice I'd just heard. Clad in all black with a blood red mask on was a tall slender woman. I must have stared at her for too long because she chuckles and extends her hand. "I'm Eli, you must be Alex."

Taking her soft hand in mine I attempt to shake it but instead she brings it to her lips and places a gentle kiss on it. My lips part slightly from astonishment, no one has ever done that before.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting. I had prior business that I was attending to."

"T-that's okay. I understand."

"Would you like something to drink?" I give a small nod, not trusting myself to speak. My heart was racing. If her face was anything like her voice then she was beautiful. Why did the theme have to be masquerade? Ugh! I'm so caught up in my thoughts that I don't even notice that she's disappeared. Maneuvering through the crowd I make my way my to a small bench not far from where I was standing. I sit down and wait for her to return when the space next to me is suddenly occupied.

"Alex, will you please talk to me?"

"How did you know I'd be here? Sam are you stalking me? What part of stay away from me do you not understand?"

"I know what you said but this is important. Just listen to me please? That girl-"

"Excuse me, but is he bothering you?" I look up to see Eli holding two champagne flutes.

"As a matter of a fact, yes he is." I stand and take the flute from her hand, sipping it gingerly.

Eli says nothing but looks at Sam and speaks in a voice that's calm but deadly. "Sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"No this is a misunderstanding."

"Sir, please escort yourself out before I have security do it."

By now Sam was on his feet, face contorted with anger. "And who the hell do you think you are?"

"I'm the owner of this facility. Now leave."

Two guards dressed in suits appear out if the crowd and grab Sam. Together the haul him out of the gallery. I turn to Eli flustered. "I'm so sorry that happened. He's my ex boyfriend and still has feelings for me I guess. You must think I'm very unprofessional."

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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