Little Emily

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I will tell you a story about a little girl named Emily. She was 4 years old and loved to play with Barbie dolls. Although she was alone and had no one to play with she didn't care because she had her dolls to entertain her all day. One day little Emily went to the toy store and met another little girl named Vanessa. Emily walked over to her and said "Hello my name is Emily and I love to play with dolls." Vanessa looked at Emily with a little discomfort but had a warm smile on her little peach face. Vanessa responded "Hi Emily my name is Vanessa and I love to play with dolls as well." Emily had the biggest smile on her face and asked, "Vanessa can you come to my house to play with me?"

"Yes I would but I have to ask my parents first." Said Vanessa. Vanessa ran towards her parents and asked if she can go over Emily's house and the happily said yes. Emily was full of joy and she took her new friend by the hand and they happily skipped to Emily's house. Vanessa's parents were a little suspicious that Emily came to the store alone but they shrugged it off. They though maybe she lived really close so that is why she came alone. But they didn't know that was the last time they would ever see their beloved daughter...

Meanwhile Emily had taken Vanessa all the way to her house which was deep inside a forest. Vanessa asked Emily "Why do you live here?"

Emily looked at her and said "Why not? It's better than living in the loud city." Vanessa had agreed and they both walked inside Emily's big house. Vanessa had never seen such a beautiful house in her life. There was a chandelier right above the two little girls. A huge staircase leading to two separate halls. One on the left and the other on the right. There was a middle hall but Emily had said no one can go there. Vanessa was gonna ask why but she had forgotten when they walked into the kitchen for some Cocoa Puffs. They both took their small bowl and glass of milk into Emily's room which was in the left hall. There was 4 rooms in each hall and Emily's room was the third room. Emily put her glass of milk on the floor and open the door then picked it up again and walked inside. Vanessa followed her and gasped at how many Barbie dolls Emily had. She had a huge doll house for them which looked like her house a bit. Her closet was full of porcelain dolls and they looked beautiful. They sat down on a little table Emily used for tea parties with her stuffed animals and they ate their Cocoa Puffs with milk. After they were done they started to play with the Barbie dolls.

Vanessa was having a blast playing with Emily. They changed the dolls clothes more than twenty times. They had 7 parties at the doll house. Also they had used the limo to ride the dolls around the whole room. Vanessa's little tummy grumbled and Emily's tummy grumbled as well.

"Vanessa do you want some food?" Emily asked

"Yeah I'm getting hungry." Vanessa replied. They both walked back down to the kitchen when a question popped into Vanessa's mind. So she asked "Emily I was wondering where are your parents? I didn't see them with you at the toy store and I don't see them in your big house." Emily froze and turned around to face Vanessa. She smiled and continued to walk to the kitchen. Vanessa had looked at her walk and followed asking, "Emily I asked you a question can you please answer me?"

"My parents they are in their room." Emily said.

"Oh I want to say hi to them. Can I say hello? Or are they busy?" Vanessa said.

"No they are not. Come with me they are on the left hall first door." Emily said. She turned around and her left eye started to twitch. Vanessa was starting to feel weird but she ignored that her mind was saying 'Maybe you should have not asked that.' They both walked up the beautiful marble stairs and into the left hall. Emily opened the first door and she walked in. When Vanessa walked in what she saw was terrible. She screamed and immediately covered her mouth with her small hand. Emily's mom was hanging from the ceiling and her stomach was cut open. Worms were eating her insides and her jaw was completely gone. What scared Vanessa the most was that her eyes looked directly at her. Emily's dad had no eyes and his legs were cut off. He was also hanging on the ceiling but his arms were moving as if he was a zombie. She looked over at Emily who's whole body was acting weird. Vanessa yelled, "What happened to them?!"

"I...Killed...Them..." Emily replied and from her mouth blood started to spill. Vanessa screamed and ran towards the stairs and to the front door when she was knocked on the floor and dragged into the middle hall by her curly blond hair. Inside the middle hall were body parts everywhere. There were heads on the walls and legs on the floors,arms decomposing and a horrible smell of rotting flesh. Vanessa screamed for her parents and dear life when Emily yelled, "SHUT UP NO ONE WILL SAVE YOU NOW!" Emily dragged Vanessa into a room that only had one light in the middle and a chair. Emily put Vanessa on the chair and strapped her little legs and arms to it. Vanessa yelled "what are you going to do to me?! Please let me go I'm sorry I asked about your parents!" Emily laughed and her eyes turned red. Vanessa's heart pounded against her chest and Emily came closer to her and whispered, "I will be back to feed but first you must be tortured."

Emily had pressed a button on the wall and some sharp knifes slowly pierced into Vanessa's hands,arms, and little legs. She screamed for it to stop but Emily had left the room. Vanessa was beyond terrified and wished she was back home and she had no idea what was going to happen to her next. Will Emily kill her? Will she keep torturing her? Will she ever see her parents again?

That night was terrible for her parents. They spent all night looking for her and they called the cops to help them. No one ever found the house. No one ever saw Vanessa again. They spent months looking for Emily and Vanessa but they never found them. The cops gave up and so did the parents hoping one day their little Vanessa would return and hoping nothing bad has happened to either of the children. After two years had passed Emily went back to the same store she had met Vanessa and saw another little girl. She walked up to her and said "Hello my name is Emily and I love to play with dolls. Want to come over my house to play?"

That is what she said to every child before she eats their bodies and collects their heads as a trophy...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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