Chibi Shizuo

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The young woman was outside running some errands. She just picked up the ingredients that she needed for tonight's dinner. She headed home quickly because she did not want to stay in the city when it was night, because just like all the other people, she knew that nightfall was the start of various activity in the city. She opened the door to her apartment.

"Shi-kun, I'm home!" She neatly placed her shoes at the side of the entrance and walked further inside to find that Shinra and Celty were sitting on her couch. "Shinra, Celty! I wasn't expecting you here. How did you get inside?" They both stood up and walked over to her. Shinra looked at Celty with an unsure and scared look. Celty just looked at him, and then pulled out her PDA.

"Well, never mind that right now, there's something more important that we need you to know." (Y/N) tilted her head a bit in confusion.

"Something more important? Like what?" Celty turned to Shinra and told him something.

"You were the one that performed the experiment that caused the outcome, so you tell her what happened." Shinra sighed as it was his turn to speak. He nervously explained what happened while she was gone.

"Well, I sorta...made Shizuo...very small...?" (Y/N)'s face was frozen in shock. Her hand released the grip on the plastic bag that held the ingredients, and it fell to the ground.

"You made Shizuo very small? How did it happen?" Celty calmly explains to (Y/N) as they sat back down on her couch.

"So, Shinra wanted to do an experiment on Shizuo." (Y/N) nodded.

"That doesn't seem like anything new, considering Shinra." Celty nodded and continued.

"Anyways, Shizuo accepted his request to do an experiment on him since Shinra kept bugging him, so when Shinra told him to drink the milk that he gave him, it made him small." Shinra quickly tried to back up his side of the story as (Y/N) looked at him.

"It was supposed be a serum induced milk that would make Shizuo temporarily knocked out so I could perform some tests on his bod-Ow! Ow! Ow! Celty! That hurts! Ow!" Celty started jabbing at his stomach.

"You idiot! Did you even bother to check the serum before giving it to him in the milk?!"

"Well, I think I did, but I'm not so sure-Ow! Ow! Celty! Ow!" Celty jabbed her partner a few more times before letting him go. He curled up on the couch next to (Y/N) and clutched his stomach.

"You're mean, Celty!" She ignored his comment and turned back to (Y/N).

"Anyways, that's the gist of what happened. Shinra says that the serum only lasts for 24 hours, so he will be back to normal soon." (Y/N) nodded.

"Can I see him?" Celty nodded and she led (Y/N) into her room, where Shizuo was lying down on a small little makeshift bed specially made for him on her nightstand. (Y/N) went over to him and gently picked him up.

"Can you hear me, Shi-kun?" She spoke in a soft voice. The cute little ex-bartender was only 3 inches tall. He blushed as she picked him up.

"I can hear you." He replied in a cute chibi voice, causing (Y/N) to gently press her lips against the top of his head.

"Aww, Shi-kun! You're even more cuter like this!" Shizuo blushed again at her compliment. She turned around and asked Celty something.

"Does he still have his strength?" Celty nodded.

"Yeah, he still has his strength." (Y/N) smiled and she gently placed her now small boyfriend at her chest, as if she was giving him a hug. She then extends her arms again, and she sees him completely flustered.

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