On time

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Narutos POV

I was in the living room pacing back in forth thinking on what I should do, I was still mad after I read the note, I can't believe this is even happening.

It's been a day since I read the note today, I'm going to the basement all I have to do is make very one stay outside for backup and I'll go in rescues hinata And run for our lives.

I ran up the stairs and got ready, by that I mean just punch the wall a couple of times and ran out the house with sasuke, neji, shikamaru, and Kiba. We decided to let the girls stay because as soon a s we get home with Hinata I think she wants to be surrounded by girls instead of guys.

As we were driving to Hinatas house we stopped to see Hinatas dad waiting on the porch with a look like he won some
Prize I only got out and made the guys stay in the car, I walked up to him as soon as we get face to face I feel like grabbing him by the throat and smashing his head into a billion peaches.
"Well, well, well" he hums as he looks me up and down "I see my daughter has a bad taste in men" I grew angry but calmed down my feces turned into a scowl "where's Hinata" I growled at him.
"If you want your precious girlfriend I'll happily hand her over but I should tell you this, she's already scarred, and disgusting." This made me MAD I thought all the things he could have done to her.

I grabbed his shirt and lifted me fist to punch him but I felt a cold object touch my Chest i looked down to see a pistol facing into my chest. I freeze.

"Now, now, I suggest you put your hand down if you don't want to be killed" he whispers with a glint in his eye and grinning evily.
I slowly put my hand down and let go of him " follow me" I follow him through the door and down the basement he opens a door and I walk inside I see a big bed in the middle and everything was closed of no windows, doors nothing but the true thing that terrified me was that in the middle of the bed was Hinata in cuts bruises and passed out I immediately ran to her but as I get 2 steps closer I feel something bang up against my head and I see black dots form

"Dammit" I whispered "I'm an idiot" and let the dark consume me.
Hey guys kimmy here sorry I tried to update the last couple of weeks but I was sick and felt like shit anyway I hope you like it comment, vote and see you later BYE

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