Chapter 2: Photograph

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A/N: Hi everybody here comes chapter two! Thank you so much for your support for the first chapter I'm so thankful. I hope you will enjoy this chapter, please tell me what you think. Special thanks for these babes for their lovely comments: Diggs12 , FangirlsandFandoms , mychemicalrainbows . But thank you all for reading this story, it means alot ❤️ With love, Arisa.

"We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
Times forever frozen still

So you can keep me
Inside the pocket
Of your ripped jeans
Holdin' me closer
'Til our eyes meet
You won't ever be alone
Wait for me to come home"

⁃ Ed Sheeran

Malia's POV:

"So what are we exactly looking for?" I asked as I followed her outside.
"Not we Malia. I will do this alone okay?" Lydia said and turned to look at me with her emerald eyes flaming but I could see through them.
"You know if looks could kill I would be dead now. And come on Lyds we'll find the thing faster together. Bad girls help each other." I said and smirked my traditional smirk.
"Whatever. And stop calling me that! And we are looking for a photograph..." she mumbled.

"So you prefer baby girl? And a photograph? Okay..." I said with a chuckle as she huffed and rolled her eyes, also finding it kind of weird that she would carry something like that with her.
"Idiot... You must think I'm weird." she muttered and the suddenly said and if you would've squinted your eyes you could've seen a small sad smile playing on her lips.
"I have to admit yeah. But at the same time I think a person like you has a reason to carry it around." I said and gave her a gentle non judgemental smile.
"I do." she just said and checked the trash can just in case.

*20 minutes later

"Can I just ask what is in that picture? Can't you just look pictures from your phone?" I groaned as the chilly autumn wind whirled against my face.
"You wouldn't understand..." she just muttered and finally sat down into one of the benches of the yard.
"Try me." I said and sat next to her.
"It's... It's a picture of me and someone who I lost... Yes I have pictures of us on my phone too but there's a message behind the picture..." she said so quietly I hardly heard her.
"I see... Then I guess we'll have to keep looking, right?" I asked and tried to cheer her up.

"But we already checked every place. And it doesn't matter. The picture is gone and so is she!" Lydia said frustarated and I could also hear sadness clear in her voice before she stormed off to the parking lot.
"Lydia wait!" I shouted and started to walk behind her.
"Leave me alone! I don't know what you want from me but I'm not gonna give it!" she said angrily and jumped into her car.

"No I'm not gonna leave you alone when you're like this." I said firmly and held her car door open.
"Let go you idiot! I don't need anyone!" she screamed obviously in a state of shock and sadness.
"If that's so, then go. But I promise to find that picture for you." I promised.
"Malia..." she breathed out and her emerald eyes met my chocolate one's.
"Go on then I'll see you tommorw." I just said and closed the door.

She looked at me in awe and I raised my hand as a gesture of good bye and started to walk back to the yard.

Lydia's POV:

I couldn't start the car and drive away. I just sat there watching as she continued to search for the picture. I felt tears form into my eyes and fight them the best I could. I hated to cry and be weak and especially in public. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car. I couldn't just let her do this alone and for me. I didn't even had wanted her help and yet then there she was. I had no idea why she was doing this for me but I felt a warm feeling inside my chest. I held back my smile and walked over to her.

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