April left the drive way and drive to school for detention and walked in the hall way to library because detention was held.
Mr. Frost: "Why your so early."
April: "To get away from home."
Mr. Frost: "Oh god detention spirit."
April: "Ugh rude."
Mr. Frost: "Oh so you want to go that way Angel."
April : "My name is not Angel it's April."
Mr. Frost: "Ok."
Jacob just came like 30 minutes later and he would be rude as usual
It was past 8:00 and the principal took away their phones so April got behind the bookshelf. April took her iPod out of her and pocket and start playing Sonic Dash. Ten minutes later Jacob caught her. She knew he was about to snitch.
Jacob: "Ha!!!!!! I'm so going to tell."
April: "No please don't do it ."
Jacob: "Why your the idiot who got me in trouble."
April: "Just please don't do it."
Jacob: " you made me cancel my date with Haily I'm still going to tell. You're the idiot who got me in trouble plus you slapped me and called me a asshole."
April: "I called you a asshole because you called me a bitch."
Jacob: "I'm still going to tell. Then we will be even."
April: "Look I slapped you by accident."
Jacob: "I'm still going to do it and there's nothing that can stop me."
April: "Nooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!" Then she threw the ruler at Jacob.
Jacob: "What that was for!!!!"
April: "You'll never understand my life. I wish you were dead." Then she cried and went behind a bookshelf.
Jacob: "I'm so sorry tell me what happen."
April: "No you'll never understand and just leave me alone."
Jacob: "I'm never going to leave you alone. Just tell me."
April: "Ok fine I'll tell you. I have to take care of my sister and her bleeding gums for 1 more week because my father and mother went to Barbados because so they don't have to take care of her. So I'm trapped. Plus I got bullied my whole life but you'll never understand because you never got bullied."
Jacob: "What your saying. I got bullied before."
April: "Sorry I don't believe you because you're Mr. Popular, a player and a bad boy.
Jacob: "Well now but I changed.i don't wanna talk about it I'm sorry."
April: "It's ok I'm sorry about all the mean things I said about you."
Jacob: "No I deserved it."
April: "No you didn't deserved it." Jacob: "Aye for a victim you have a really a hot mouth."
April: "No I don't."
Jacob: "Yes you do."
April: "Ok fine."