Chapter 13

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Lyla's POV

We all ran to Ina's house since it was just a block away. Well me and Ina walked but Zach was ahead of us looking like a child eager to open his Christmas presents.
"Uh Zach? Do you even know where i live?" Asked Ina raising her eyebrows.
"Come on Zach! I think you already passed her house!" I said laughing.
"Oh." He said awkwardly.
Davina laughed and opened a door that looked like it could break any moment. From the door, there is a small room with stairs. We go up the stairs. Zach held onto me. I can already feel his heart pumping with nervousness.
Ina opened another door that led the living room.
"Well here's my crappy house. Me and father dont have much and life's pretty hard on us. Thats why i work at the resturant. I really dont like it though."
"Where is dad?" Asked Zach. He held onto me closer. His arms were around my waist so my back was against his chest with his beating heart.
"Follow me."
We followed Ina to her father.
"I think you guys should stay out here for a while. I'll have to make sure he's awake to meet you guys." She went inside the room leaving us in the hallway.
I looked up at Zach's eyes.
"I think i should stay here while you're meeting your father. I dont want to-"
"No. I want you to come with me, gorgeous."
I continued to stare at his shining eyes.
A smile forms on his face as he grabs me to his chest and hugs me. He kissed me everywhere on my face. First my cheek, then my other cheek, my nose, my forehead, my chin, my cheek again, and then my lips. I start to laugh.
"Ok you guys-" Zach stopped and turned around.
"Awww cute!"
I felt myself turning bright red. I looked down and smiled.
"Well. You guys can come in."
Me and Zach stepped inside the room. There was a little mattress on the floor with a man.
"Zach." He said. The moment he saw Zach, he teared up.
"Dad." Zach started tearing up. The man was probably in his late 40's or so.
"Ho-how are you and your mother."
Zach started to frown. "We are fine. Bu-but... Why did you leave us?" Zach was tearing up.
"No Zach. I had to leave because I was busy. Once you and Davina were born, i was filled with joy. But i couldn't come. I came two hours later and your mother was furious. A week after, i was visiting a family friend, Allison and her brother. But i came home late and drunk. Your mother wanted a divorce because she thought i was going to be a threat. She allowed me to take Davina though. But she shouldn't have. I cant take care of Davina when Davina is taking care of me. We scarsley have money to take care of ourselves. I feel terrible. I cant even give her and education. So she goes to the library to read and write and learn."
At this point, Zach was already crying. I felt so bad for him and Ina, i as well cried with him. I put my hands on his arm to support him. He looked at my hands and smiled weakly.
"Oh. Sorry. But who is this young lady?" Asked Zach's father.
"My apologies sir. My name is Lyla."
"She is my girlfriend, sir." Zach said.
"Where did all this 'sir' come from. I have a name as well."
Zach and i laughed. For the rest of the afternoon, we talked with Jason.
After like an hour or so, me and Zach were gonna leave. I looked at Zach giving him a you know what we have to do look. He nodded.
"It was so nice for you to come." Said Davina. "Please stop by any time soon."
"Thank you, Ina." I said.
I held out my hand that held a fifty dollar bill.
Davina looked at it sadly. "No please we cant take it!"
I took Davina's hand and place it ontop of my hand with the fifty.
"Take it. We want to help you and your father. And we also want to thank you for the dinner and this great afternoon." I smiled at her.
"Thank you so much Lyla." Davina took it and gave me a big hug. "Thank you." I hugged her back.
We left the building.
"You do know that we cant tell my mom. She probably is still mad at him. Imagine how mad she'll be when i tell her 'hey mom! I met my dad today and he told me everything that happened. I also met my long lost twin sister also! Crazy right!' "
I laughed. "I know. Im happy for you." I kissed Zach's cheek. He frowned.
"Hey. I want more!"
I laughed. I gave him a kiss on the lips. He took my hand smiling and we walked home.
Wow. We are about to graduate from highschool. I hope everything will turn out fine after.

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