Chapter 1

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I listen attentively as the feed replays over and over again, drilling the noise into my head. "Glock 22."  I whisper, just loud enough for the other officers in the room to hear. 

"Thank you, Kim. You've done your job." Captain Rose smiles gently. I don't offer one back as I think of the boy's face. I know him.

"Charlie Jameson. Correct?" I ask, lifting my gaze to the 42 year old captain.

"Yes, how do you know?" Rose questions.

"I've met him before. Good guy, led down the wrong path. Don't kill him. His hand was shaking when he pulled the trigger on Layla." I say before walking out of the precinct and heading home, my black hoodie covering my face as I hunch my back with my hands shoved into the pockets of my loose jeans. I stare at the cement, just past my black vans. I brush away a piece of my brown hair as I start walking down my street. The One Direction house is 2 more houses down and off to the left. I notice a group of fangirls crowded before the gate that keeps the girls separate from the guys if they decide that they need fresh air. I sharply turn to the left and continue between the 2 houses before jumping and grabbing the pipe, starting to climb. I reach the roof and start tiptoeing towards the edge of the roof on the other side. I crouch low as I watch one of the girls start trying to climb the gate. I leap to the next roof of the house that is next to mine. I sit with my knees pulled up to my chest as I watch in glee at their attempts to get over the gate. One rips her skirt, another scrapes her elbow, and another nearly breaks her arm. I sigh before jumping from the roof, over the gate, rolling to run off any extra power, and standing up, brushing the dirt off my jeans. I turn back to the girls and wink before running up to the door and punching in the code to let myself in. I open the door and walk into the vast expanse of the entrance room. "I'm home, boys!" I shout out, as I drop my bag on the kitchen table and walk into the living room where I find Zayn and Liam sleeping, cuddled together to keep each other warm. I smile in admiration before snapping a pic for safe keeping. I wake them both up quickly as I hear 3 pairs of feet pounding down the stairs. I will save their pride if need be. I know the other boys would never stop teasing them about it and I don't want to deal with a crabby Zayn and a pissed off Liam so I'll just save myself the trouble. 

"Kimberly! You're home!" Cried out Louis who quickly threw his arms around me and held me close. "How was work?" He asked. Yes, I am working at the precinct. I graduated from college 2 years ago. I'm a prodigy in everything except music which is a complete bummer since I will tour with the guys for however long they plan on doing this band thing. 

"Great, actually. I tracked down a hacker that the precinct has been looking for for ages." I also switch precincts all the time due to all the moving around so I often help solve cases that were abandoned a while ago or I help with still active cases until I have to move to another town, city, state, or even country. I'm worldwide known when it comes to crime fighting so I'm also a huge target everywhere I go, but I'm extremely good at keeping a low profile when needed. " I also identified the murder weapon which was extremely easy for me." I boasted. Louis laughed along with the others.

"Our little prodigy." Harry joked, ruffling my hair. I chuckle while I put my hair back in perfect condition. I can't deny that I love hanging out with these idiots.

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