It can be the best thing or the worst thing that can happen to you.
For me? I don't know?
I mean it isn't right to FALL IN LOVE with your kidnapper....right?
You can't stop it if it feels right.
Some might say it's crazy.....
But aren't we...
Just thought I would bless you with this picture....your welcome. I'm currently watching supernatural while writing this....not sorry. Sam Winchester though😍 let's not forget dean though.....
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Your welcome......again🤓☺️💁🏽 Btw this chapter is mainly Harry's p.o.v 🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅 Harry's p.o.v. Now to get close to this girl Amelia I need a plan. Something that will definitely win her over. Or for at least for now. I could just bring them some food and I'm pretty sure they will invite me in and we will eat and watch movies. Perfect! Well that parts done. Now to start cooking my favorite cheap but delicious meal!
🔅🔅🔅after cooking🔅🔅🔅
I decided to go with something simple but absolutely delicious! I made homemade pizza and homemade cheese sticks with a little bit of bacon in it....yummy. I'm very talented when it comes to cooking so I know the girls would love it! I hurry up and change into a comfortable outfit which is just a simple shirt, skinny jeans, and boots and head over.
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I get to their door and I knock. The door was opened by Amelia. She looked absolutely amazing. It was a white tank with some kind of over jacket, really nice fitting bottoms, and some white socks. Simple, comfortable, but sexy. If only I knew what was under all that.
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"Hey Harry! What made you stop by?" Amelia said confused. "Well I thought I should be nice and make a pizza and some cheese sticks for us three to eat together and I brought movies! What do you think!?" She stood still and finally spoke up scaring me because I thought she would have said no. "Well...Madison isn't here tonight actually so it would only be us. Are you okay with that?"
O my god, yes I'm fine with that.
"That's totally fine love. Where should I put this it's still nice and hot!" I said wincing from the hot food in my hand. She waved for me to come inside. I followed her into the kitchen and set the food on the island.
(If you want picture of the inside of her house let me know and I'll do it later.)
"Why don't we head into the living room and see what movies you have!" Amelia said happily. We walk into her living room and sit down on the couch looking at the movies. "I'm sorry I don't have that much I just didn't know what you liked so I got a few kiddy movies and some scary ones." I said laughing. She looked at me and started laughing...
O my god, her laugh....are you trying to kill me? If so why in this way. I need her.
She picks a scary movie....the conjuring...yes. She gets up and puts the movie in and sits back down. "I've never seen this before but I absolutely love scary movies!" I laughed and she looked at me confused.
I died when I watched it.
"Are you sure you want to watch that because that's like the top scary movie of all time." I said laughing but still hoping she would chose it so she could get scared. "Of course I'm sure Harry." She said laughing.
Just wait till she sees it she's going to die...
(A/N I've never really seen it is it even good? Please let me know in the comments!!)
"Hey I'm going to change right quick, could you get the plates, cups, and wine? The plates are in the left cabinet and the cups are right next to that. And the wine i had set on the counter." She said heading upstairs. I quickly go get it and set all the stuff on the table and wait for her to get back so we can start the movie.
I did not expect what I was going to see next...........
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She came down with a black or gray shirt with adidas shorts that fit her perfectly, and some white socks.
I think God is calling me home.......I need cas.
After starring at her for I don't know how long she spoke up. "You want to play the movie now?" She said awkwardly. Crap she knew I was staring at her hardcore....o well...I like what I see so why not? "Sure!" I said hoping she would sit down now.
🔅🔅middle of movie🔅🔅
I told her so.
I'm not going to be surprised if she crapped her pants.
That crap is scary.
Right now we are in the middle of the movie and she's on my lap scared for her life...literally.
"Babe it's completely fine it's just a movie." I said laughing at how scared she was but to be honest it was cute. "I know I know." She said laughing back at me. We stayed there starring at each other and then I slowly started leaning in so did she. I thought she wouldn't so it took me by surprise. Next thing I knew our lips met. I moved my lips with hers. They were so soft it is nothing like I would ever imagine. The kiss started getting heated fast but then we broke away to catch are breath. "Um...I'm so sorry. I just couldn't help my self. I like you a lot Ameila even though it's literally been a day." I said laughing. "I'm really sorry if that was weird." I laughed nervously. "Harry.......... 🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅 That was chapter 2! I'm so exited to do more chapters! Let me keno what you would like to see! Word count: 926