PART ONE: The Party.

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I looked at my watch and then at my timetable. Exactly 30 seconds until the bell rang. I had a brilliant party to attend tonight. I hadn't told Mum, I told her I was going to my friend Mish's. I felt bad for lying, but I have no freedom. The bell sounded and both Mish and I sprung to our feet. We met Abby outside. We were all smiling. We ran up the stairs, almost defying gravity. I could see Ray. I'd had a crush on Ray since primary, his short black hair, his green eyes, his brilliant body, the skater on the outside, and the poet on the inside. Oh how his smile melted his heart. Unfortunate for me, every girl at school wanted him, and I mean every girl. I walked past as fast as I could, but he got in the way, and we bumped, my papers fell to the ground. He fell to his knees trying to pick it all up. "I'm sorry" he explained, "You came out of nowhere. I couldn’t see you." I nodded and stood to my feet as he passed me back my homework. "Milton right?" he asked, "Milly," I spat.  He took a step back, "Are you going to Teresa's party tonight?" I smiled and nodded, "then I'll see you there?" he smiled. I nodded again and started to walk off.

Mish and Abby were smiling, we ran. Abby reckoned he had interest in me. I smiled, and hung my head down a bit. Serena stood there nodding. "Mil, he totally has the hots for you. I mean, did you see his body language? He wants you bad" I always wondered why Abby knew so much about boys. The first time I'd stayed at hers, I saw massive piles of Dolly and Girlfriend. i took no notice of them, but I bet she sat and read them for hours. She knew nothing when it came to schoolwork, but boys, she was a god. I smiled, while tapping my fingers on my iPod case. I could feel my face getting hot. Something about that boy made me feel like I was about faint. "Ooooh, Mil, you're in love." Abby said with a stupid expression on her face. "Shut up," i said shoving her a little. She giggled and straightened her posture. Mish smiled but she looked upset. "What's up Mish?" I asked trying to see her face behind her long black fringe, "Nothing," she lied, I couldn’t push her to open up. And I knew why. She'd liked Ray too. It was no lie. I couldn’t blame her though; he was so beautiful, perfect in every way, a true god. I smiled at her, "You like him, don’t you?" she nodded, small and insignificantly, but nodded. I lowered my head.  Mish is beautiful. She's the type of girl you see on the front of Cleo. Selena Gomez and the Home and Away stars don’t even come close, to the amazing god like look Mish enhanced. "Well, you can't both have him. I call paper scissors rock." Abby said, I smiled, Mish sniggered. "How about we just see who he's goes after at the party tonight," I looked up at Abby, her mouth gaping open. I was doomed, if that was what we were doing. Mish would win for sure, and I think that’s why she said it. Clever. Cunning. Bitchy. I wanted to scream, at her, up in her face.

The bus arrived and we all rushed to the door. My face was getting flustered. It was hot and sticky, about 37 degrees. When I got on the bus, I took a seat in the priority seat. I put my bag beside me and wished that Abby would come sit next to me. But sure enough, Mish came on, and pushed my bag on the floor. "Hey," she began, "this seat taken?" I still wanted to scream in her face, I wanted to shout, but I didn’t. I thought about all the times she's been upset at school, and all the time she'd come to school with cuts up her arm. So I sat and nodded. Abby seated behind us. With a thought that probably went something like, let’s pretend I'm Dr Phil. I smiled back at Abbey when she pat my back. Abby and I had been best friends since kindy. She knew everything. And I loved her more like a sister.


When I arrived home, I ran up the stairs to my bedroom. I went through my wardrobe like I was running away. I picked out, the most beautiful dress, an aqua colour with dimities. I loved that dress. My Mum wore it to her social when she was my age. It was a special thing. I placed it in a plastic bag, and chucked it in my Gucci bag I had got for Christmas the previous year. Mum called me downstairs. "You ready?" she asked sipping at her coffee, "Yeah, let’s get going"

I ran out the front and jumped in the car. Mum got in the driver’s seat and put the keys in the ignition. Our little old car rumbled and we chuffed down the road. She looked at me and then down at my bag. "Whatcha' got in there?" she asked. "Oh you know, the usual, makeup, clothes, iPod." She smiled at me, "Thought so."

As soon as we arrived at Mish's, I kissed Mum on the cheek and dashed out. "Be good Milton!" I smiled as I slammed the door. Abby was at the front door, smiling. She waved to my Mum in the car as she drove away. We ran inside and met Mish in her room. She was sitting at her dressing mirror putting on makeup. She didn't look any short of amazing. I began to cry knowing, I'd never get Ray. I'd never be with the boy of my dreams. I'd be alone, forever. I felt sick, I wanted to run home. But I didn’t, I stayed strong and pulled out my makeup bag to work on my face. I looked in the mirror. I looked kind of good considering the mood I was in. I wanted to hit something, or someone. And considering this was going to be a party, I could hit as many people as I wanted. And probably not get noticed either. Because this party was announced on Facebook, hundreds were going. I was getting more nervous by the minute.

When we were all ready, we jumped in the car and Mish’s Mum drove us to Teresa’s house. By the time we got to the house it was dark, and people were everywhere. “Are you sure this is safe?” Mish’s mother asked in her motherly concerning tone. “Yes Mum, we’ll be fine. Besides, Michael will be there!” Mish explained. Michael was Mish’s cousin; he was two years above us and a total heart throb. He was a jock, and played football on Saturday at the local oval.

We jumped out the car and walked to the front door. I pulled my dress over the back of my legs, and made sure my hair was nice in the reflection of the front door. I could hear the rambling of drunken teenagers inside, and the loud thumping music creating a vibration through the floor. I smelt beer, and a lot of it. I could tell this was going to get scary. Then I heard the most beautiful thing, Ray’s voice. I walked through the hall way and into the lounge room. There was a karaoke and dance floor set up. He was singing “Somebody to Love” by Queen, and beautifully. I'm pretty sure my smile touched my ears. I never knew he could sing. It was amazing. I wanted to get up there and sing with him. I’d been having singing lessons since I was a kid and I always wanted a chance to show it off. Abbey nudged me and told me I should go up there. I wanted to, but before I could, Mish ran up on the stage and grabbed the microphone. I felt horrible. But I couldn't let him see me cry. I felt stupid to even think I had a chance with him, up against her. But just because they were singing together doesn’t mean he couldn’t still choose me. I mean yes, Mish is beautiful, and has a really nice body, and big boobs, and a cover girl look. But I can sing. And maybe if I showed him that, he’d be mine. Just to see how real I am, and how fake she is. It really was a perfect plan. And it could only fail if Mish fell over and her boobs fell out or if Ray was totally insensitive and fake himself. It was worth a try. Finally, the song finished and I jumped on stage next to Ray. He chose the song, as I started to sing.

AN: Let me know if you think I should continue to write this or not. :)

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