Chapter 5: The Blue Light

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Chapter 5: The Blue Light

Buzz... Buzz... Buzz... Jake opened his eyes and slammed the palm of his hand on the alarm clock. The buzzing stopped and Jake sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes. He yawned and blinked slowly, reading the time. 6:00 a.m. He thought. Way too early. Jake had heard before that alarm clocks could be bad for your health because they don't wake you up naturally and your sleep cycle gets cut short. This proves it, I guess.

Jake stood up and walked sleepily over to his mirror to check his appearance. His brown hair made it look like he was in space with the way it stood up in all directions, defying gravity. Jake reached into one of his drawers under his desk and pulled out a black comb. He ran the comb through his hair but it was no use. Unless he got a shower, his hair would continue to look like a tumbleweed. Jake grabbed his towel and went to the bathroom, coming out five minutes later with his hair looking much better.

Jake tiptoed carefully down the stairs, trying not to wake his mother. He headed into the kitchen and made himself a bowl of cereal for breakfast. He nibbled on it in silence and, when he was finished, he grabbed his backpack and headed outside. The clouds spread across the sky and the sun just barely peeked up over the mountains turning the sky into a deep red. Great. It's going to storm later. Jake sighed. Lucky for me, I'm not a sailor. Jake heard the sound of moving tires approaching and turned his head to the left. The yellow school bus pulled up and the door opened. Jake stepped through and sat down in his usual seat: the third one back on the driver's side. He always tried his best to get in a few minutes of sleep on the ride to school but he'd slept for ten hours straight last night and he couldn't stop thinking about the monster and his father's journal anyway.

Michael got on shortly after. He sat down in his usual seat next to Jake but didn't say anything to him. They almost never talked in the morning because they were usually both so tired that at least one of them was asleep. Jake looked over at his best friend and noticed his eyes were shut tight. He turned towards the window on his left and he could see the tall American flag flying in the distance getting closer as the bus made a few sharp turns. Jake nudged Michael with his elbow when they arrived.

"Wha... Oh. Hey Jake. Did you see that thing again?" Michael said between yawns, his eyes barely open.

"No, thankfully. I actually haven't seen it since that night in the rain." Jake replied as he stood up and flung his backpack over his shoulder.

Michael nodded and got into the line of students filing out of the bus. Jake stayed for a while and ended up being the last person off the bus. Michael was there waiting for him when he finally did.

"Hey, we have a test in Mr. Pierce's class don't we?" Michael asked with a frown.

Jake nodded, "We do. I actually wouldn't be surprised if everyone fails. We just got back from a three day weekend and he's giving us a test." He sighed, "It's almost as if he expects us to remember something after having three days off. By the way, did you study?"

Michael laughed, "Me? Study?" He asked, smiling, "That was a good one Jake."

A grin broke out on Jake's face and he shook his head as they walked into the main lobby. Jake squinted at the bright lights all around and blindly made his way down the hallway just to be greeted by the earth-shattering noise of the students making their way to class. Jake joined them until up ahead where the hallway became a three way intersection. He turned left towards his chemistry classroom while Michael waved goodbye and made his way to the right.

Jake walked in and made his way between the filled seats to the other side of the room. Mr. Fray sat at his desk holding a turkey sandwich in one hand and a small book in the other. He glanced at his watch every few minutes, each time taking a bite of his sandwich and adjusting his black reading glasses. Mr. Fray was a thin man with short, grey hair and usually a clean-shaven face. Today however, he had a bit of a beard growing from over the weekend. When the bell ran, Mr. Fray finished off his sandwich and stood up.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2016 ⏰

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