Twist Of the Day

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*Thumps Thumps* My heart keeps beating... I turn off the clock and brush my teeth. I choose my clothes waiting for the time to go by...

*Tick tok, Tick tock*
Times go by slower and slower until i completely forget everything from brushing my teeth to packing my backpack... The clock keeps turning slower and slower then finally I check the time realizing it's time to go to the bus stop *sighs* another day...

*Time Skip*
(Bell rings) I hear the bell goes and I soon walk off to class with my friend Rita but I lose her in the crowd as I keep walking into it as each and everyone of us tries to get to class.

As I walk up the staircase I find that I am alone, I open the doors to the 2nd floor (we only have 2 floors at Markham District High school) and I find myself on the ground with all my books on the floor. I look up to find a cute guy staring at me and I say "sorry."

He says "it's okay," helps me up, picks up my books and soon leaves to his class.

Cute guy's thoughts:
Ewww who the fuck is that?? Girl can't even watch where she is going😒, you have glasses for a reason like jeez.

Skylar's P.O.V:
I head into my class and wait till science is over... I hear the bell ring and continue to my next class then I see the cute guy again... I was walking with Rita and this happened..
"Omg Skylar that guy is totallyy cuteee."
"I actually bumped into him today."
"Naaa I am not into dating."
"Why not?"
"Just not looking to date right now."
"Honey, you totally got the looks, might as well use it now!"
I ignored her comment and lied about the fact that I am not into dating... Welll sort of. I never told anyone this but I am scared to get my heart broken... There was this guy I liked since grade 8 and I recently got over him around December. Anyways, he only went out with me because he was "forced to" but I really didn't know how he was "forced"... I still liked him until he showed me what an ass he could be so I guess that was that and he didn't even know i still liked him up until December. We are still friends though...

Anywho my mind just races with thoughts of me actually dating, I couldn't imagine it... I dated my friend's cousin once (I know big mistake!) but I felt really bad cause I did not actually liked him! But apparently he didn't like me as much either so I guess I learned my lesson of pretending to like a guy ever again. But still... I just don't want to date because i don't want to be hurt.... I am tired of being used and hurt over and over again.
I feel a tear slipping from my cheek and since Rita lost me in the crowd (thankfully... I don't want her seeing me like this) I run to the girls bathroom

Cute guy's P.O.V:
I see the girl who bumped into me earlier 😒 but I saw a tear slipping from her eyes... Then she just ran to the bathroom... Should I go after her? Nahhh it's not like it's my business... Ughhhh but I feel bad for not helping *Sighs* Guess I'm going after her...
And I ran.

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