Chapter 1 Part 2

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Year One

This would be called our "honey moon" year. Everything was perfect when Ahkmenrah and I reunited after Ahk had transferred his soul to mine to save me. I spent almost all of my time in that museum like I usually did, except this time we were parents. Naturally we didn't do things right all the time, and naturally things were perfect.

Dad had stored a pack-and-play, or portable crib, in his office for us so then we could have Bonami sleeping in the Egyptian exhibit while we talked and loved on each other.

If we went somewhere else, then the Anubis guards watched over Bonami, not letting any wandering exhibit within 500 feet from him. They would only let Ahkmenrah, Dad, Sacawaega, Teddy, and I near him when he's sleeping.

Ahkmenrah was the most tentative person there was. He always asked what he could do and always volunteered to do anything for us. Of course he got very upset when we had to leave for the day, he always wished he could be with us to help with his son and to spend more time with me.

I knew how much he wanted to be mortal again, the time while he was mortal was too short for him. Both of us wanted him to be living again, to be human again. To have a second chance at life and being a father since he didn't have a chance to be a father when he lived back then with Kalyan.

When Bonami was around four months old, that's when he became colic. There was no real reason why he always cried, but he just did. The doctor said it wasn't from anything that I did or didn't do, and the only reasonable reason why he became colic was due to digestion problems. That also played with his acid reflux.

Sadly though he cried on a "schedule". He always cried before lunch, after dinner, and around 2-3 am everyday. I tried everything, read all the books, went to multiple doctor appointments, tested out home remedies-which helped slightly- and I would leave him to cry himself to sleep when things would become too much.

When Bonami became colicky that's when things started to go down hill. It became increasingly hard to visit Ahkmenrah since my sleep schedule was getting thrown into the mud with Nami's crying.

Originally, we would visit Ahk four times a week, and those four days would depend on how Bonami slept that night/day. Since he became colicky, we since then only visited three to two times a week. This added to Ahkmenrah's want to be human again so then I didn't have to go through this all by myself.

Luckily though I wasn't by myself all the time. I had my family and friends to help with Bonami during the day, and my dance partner Nate helped out a lot. He had finally proposed to his long time girlfriend Lexi and since I am such a good friend of theirs, I'm one of the bridesmaids. I got beaten by Lexi's sister for maid of honour but I'm not complaining.

Since I had Bonami I had to make the dreadful adult decision to quit dancing. I took my major in animal care and put it to good use as a veterinarian technician at the local animal hospital. I love working mostly with the dogs and the horses, birds and reptiles are not my thing. Cats are okay, but they were not my first choice of looking after.

Nate and Lexi had thankfully moved into the apartment across from me and had offered to watch Bonami day or night since they would like the experience with babies. Nate wants children almost right away but Lexi wants to wait a bit, which is completely understandable.

There's also my mom and step dad to help out too. They love to take Bonami on the weekends since mom takes off on Saturday and Sunday, and the animal hospital is way busier on the weekend than the weekdays.

As the year continued Bonami had grown so quickly, by the time he was 10 months old he was already wanting to start walking with assistance. Luckily though on our good nights when Nami would finally sleep we would visit Ahk the following night. That is where things started falling apart even more.

Maybe it was because when I would visit I would be aggressive because I was so tired, or maybe it was because he started becoming more and more obsessed with wanting to be mortal. I don't know what the true reason was, but all I knew was that I was going crazy.

Every night I would visit he would constantly be asking me questions about everything, questioning how I live, why I do things differently compared to ancient Egypt, and he even started questioning how I was raising our son in very hurtful ways.

He would blame me if Bonami wasn't speaking a lot, which I would remind him it's hours past his bedtime so of course he ain't going to try to talk. He also accused me of not giving our son the "most proper care" for a royal prince. Well excuse me there bud, but it's kinda hard raising a kid on your own basically when your fiancé is dead all day long, and you have a full time job.

By the time Bonami turned one, Ahkmenrah and I were heading straight for rough waters if something didn't change soon.

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