Chapter 1

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*Strong Language / Swearing / Cursing *

*Translations at the end*


Camila's POV

"You say that I'm messing with your head

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

All cause I was making out with your friend

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Love hurts whether it's right or wrong

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

I can't stop cause I'm having too much fun

Yeah yeah yeah yeah... "

Best way to wake up in the morning . With one of your favorite songs of all time. Yes, I am a teenager that is happy to wake up at 6:30 in the morning to get ready for her first day back to school. I am a senior now. Wow, time fly's by so fast just 11 months and I am out of this place.

So first things first I have to look for my clothes. I head towards my closet. My room is an average size room with an average size closet. Anyway so I pick out my outfit. I go for my brown pants, my long-sleeved collar shirt with a cute flower print on it , I paired it with one of my cute brown flats that match perfectly with my pants.

I look at the clock at my nightstand

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I look at the clock at my nightstand ....


I have to hurry up if i want to have a good breakfast and shower and still be on time for school. I quickly turn on the shower and while it's warming up, which takes forever ugh! I hate that, I look for my glasses.


"Oh! Shit! Fuck ! No! No! No! No! Why do the worst things happen to me!! " I yelled feeling frustrated at the fact I just stepped on my glasses. "Great these were my favorite ones, ugh! now I have to wear those ugly brown rimmed ones I got in the beginning !" I can't do this anymore.

I went straight to the shower to calm myself down. I love when the water in the shower is nice and hot that it make steam in the bathroom something about that is just so peaceful.

I know I'm weird.

I change quickly and put on my ugly ass glasses. That make me look like something out of a Harry Potter book. Don't get me wrong I love Harry Potter but my glasses not so much. Before I grab my bag I take a quick glance at my phone to check the time. "Great." Sarcasm clear in my voice.


"How the hell is it.." I start to say before I am interrupted .

"Cami, Apúrate antes de que llegas tarde para la escuela!" my mom yelled in spanish from the kitchen.

"Ok Ma, ya voy !" I yelled back. I didn't yell at my mom so she can here me better but to relieve some of the stress  and anger I am feeling right now. Nothing is going my way today!

I run down to the kitchen where I am greeted with a screaming 10 year old.

"CAAAMMMIII" she yells while she runs up to me and gives me her strongest and lovable hugs. She pretty short for her age must get it from my mama. I on the other hand am not well I'm average. Is 5'8 average for a 17 year old girl? I don't know.

I give my little sister, Sofia, a hug back. " Good morning my little ray of sunshine. Are you ready for school?" I say while squatting down to be her height.

" Me? Yes, I am ready me and mommy have been waiting for you." she responds as she jabs her small little index finger to my chest. I can tell she is going to be sassy like me when she grows up.

"Uh-Uh-Uh" I say while wiggling my index finger at her face " You need to drop the sass missy before I don't drive you to school."

"Nuh-uh you can't do that ! Right mama!" she says loud enough for my mom to hear.

"That's right hija. And she will pick you up today at 4 since I'm working the nightshift." She responded to Sofia, but it was more like she was telling me to pick up Sofia while still answer my little sister's question.

"Now come and eat before you are going to be more late than you already are!"

We ate our food faster than humanly possible. I looked for my keys and headed towards my baby.

No! I am not pregnant or ever was! When I say 'Baby' I mean my beautiful glossy black 2015 Camaro.

How do you afford that you might be asking .Well an envelope comes in once a month ever since I was 3, it was addressed to me sometimes my mom inside that envelope is a check for 10,000 dollars at the least with no return address. My mom said it might be from him but I try not to think about it. So ever since I was 9 I started to save up money to buy the latest Camaro I can get my hands on.

So here we are in my car saying good-bye to my little sister and watching her play with the rest of her little friends.

I look at the car clock, my worst enemy revealed to me that is was...


"Fantastic!" I yelled pressed on the gas and headed straight from my school.

I parked in the nearest spot in the school."Thank god " I say to no one in particular. I found a parking spot and headed straight for my locker hoping no one  would spot me. I grab my book for my class turn around and to my surprise I hear ...

"Miss Diaz , don't you get tired of being late all the time even today, the first day of school?" says my vice principle, Ms. Sanchez. I swear on my life that this lady hates me. But don't worry the feeling is mutual.

"No, not really, I find it rather fun." Why can't I keep my sass level down? What can I say I'm a nerd with a big month.

"Oh, so I think detention for a week will be fun too?" she asked.

"No, not really." Shut the hell up Camila! I mean seriously calm yourself!

"Ok see you in detention Miss Diaz" She says over her shoulder as she walks away.

Shit! I have to pick up Sofia today. I walk into my first period class 48 minutes late.

"Late again, Miss Diaz" my teacher asked. "Yes. Yes I am." I say while taking a seat.


Hope you guys liked it!

Song Played:

What the Hell By Avril Lavigne

Camila's Picture is up above. I think she is so pretty !

Camila's friend will be in the next chapter and so will the boys. Well sort of.

What do you think will happen?

Any questions all you have to do is ask.


"Cami, Apúrate antes de que llegas tarde para la escuela!" = "Cami, Hurry up before you are late for school!"

"OK Ma, ya voy!" = "Okay Mom I'm coming!"

Once again hope you like it !

Till Next Time

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