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As I watched the humongous, orange flames eat away at the remains of my house, tears stained my bloodshot eyes. I'd never felt so alone and sad in my life. My parents were still in there, suffering... if they were still alive.

I didn't know if they were or not. The only thing I knew was that someone saved me first and went back in to find my parents.

The person came out with someone in their arms. "Mom!" I screamed, running towards the fireman holding my fragile-looking mother. When I got to them, the fireman had this look in his eyes and I knew... my mother was gone.  So was my father.


I awoke in screams, covered in sweat, shaking. This is the third night this week... the third night since my parents' deaths. My cousin, Andrew came in. "Jaqueline, are you okay?" I gave the same answer I gave the two previous nights. "No, but I'll be fine. Don't worry, go back to sleep. Sorry for waking you," I said, not looking at him.

I felt guilty that this happened every night and I wished it would stop. Instead of leaving, he held me in his arms until I fell asleep, just like every other night.

Ever since the catastrophic event of my parents' deaths, I'd been staying with Andrew and his family. He lived in Maine like me, so it was convenient, I guess. Andrew and I had always been close, unlike how it was with the rest of my family.

He was 17 like me, so we got along pretty well. They were the first people I thought of when the police asked if I knew anyone who could take care of me.


It's been a week since I've had a nightmare. I only have flashbacks now. It's not much better and every time I think about it, my eyes water, threatening to spill buckets of tears. I haven't cried yet... like normal people when they lose someone.  I'm like this emotionless zombie.  Just stalking around, like there's nothing left for me on this Earth.  I've thought about suicide a few times, but I know that ending my life would just make it worse. It may end my suffering just to bring more suffering to the rest of my family... the family that actually cares.

I don't want to be selfish. I couldn't possibly do that to them.

I've been living at Andrew's house since the accident.  I've adjusted to the Meyers' home pretty well. I've visited a lot, since my parents were close with my aunt Teresa.

I get out of bed and walk into the bathroom. I look in the mirror to see my eyes bloodshot and hollowed out. There are also bags under them. My face is pale as well. I look away and grab my toothbrush to brush my teeth. After that, I wash my face then get into the shower.

Once I'm finished in the shower, I dry and put on some clothes. I wear black skinny jeans with a bunch of holes, a sleeveless white shirt with a skull, and my dark blue jean jacket. I put on my maroon colored Vans and go back into the bathroom to do my hair. I blow dry it a little bit, leaving the curls, and put on a beanie, not having the energy to put effort into it.

When I walk downstairs, I am greeted by the smell of bacon. I almost smile. I love bacon. My mom always made it...

I am also greeted by Andrew's golden retriever, Henry. He rubs his nose against me, wanting me to pet him. I oblige and rub his ears. I stop and walk into the kitchen, Henry trailing behind.

"Hey, cuz," Andrew greets, with a mouth full of food. "Hey," I greet back, sounding not-so-pleasant. I eat bacon and pancakes, then head back upstairs to brush my teeth.

I hear my Aunt Teresa call from downstairs, "Jackie, you ready to leave for your appointment?" NO. "Yeah, sure. I'm coming," I yell, coming down the stairs. Today is my second day seeing the therapist that my aunt suggested, not really leaving it up for discussion.

She thinks I should see one to help deal with the trauma I've just been in. What does she know? She has no fucking clue what I need right now... to be alone. At least Andrew understands. He gives me a sympathetic look as I'm nearing the bottom of the stairs.

"You know what, Mom? I can take her today. I don't mind," Andrew says to his mother. "Are you sure, sweetie?" she asks him, sounding unsure yet grateful. "Yeah, I know you have errands to run, and a ton of other stuff to do today, so I can take her." She thanks and hugs him.

We walk out the door and into his car. As soon as I get in, I put my headphones in my ears and listen to 'Breathe Me' by Sia.  I don't really pay attention to where we're going.  The next thing I know, we're pulling up into a long driveway... leading to a huge mansion-like house.

I don't question him.  I'm just grateful.  He understands what I'm going through, and he cares.  "Thank you," is all I say.  He nods, knowing exactly what I mean.

A/N: Okay, so this is my third book.  I have so many books because I have different ideas and just kind of want to explore them.  You should check out my other two books as well and don't forget to comment and vote.  I would love to hear your ideas for any of the books :D..........

P.S. my SNAPCHAT is Krystin_m   and my INSTAGRAM is Kr_y_stin .

Hope you enjoy the books C:


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