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#~I know you guys might want a chapter but I have to get this off of my back, okay?~#

<~> Warning this may contain swearing and offensive things to other cultures, offensive things not said by me I love you all!


So guys, just to clear up. You'll be looking at the title of this, then looking at the book and looking at the views it has and be like, "Tiana......the book doesn't have 1K yet o.o" and to clear up that confusion of a title. This book is so very close to 1K! Yeah maybe 200 or 100 (approximately) views off but hey! I don't like maths - okay off topic - So for 1K, I'm thinking about doing a face reveal. But I'm not confident with the way I look. I mean. I don't like haters, I've had so many issues at school with bullying and people being rude to me and not accepting me the way I am and it hurts, you know?  Sometimes I even feel like I'm riding life by myself. So I just wanted to ask you guys if I do a face reveal for 1K on this book, will you support me in the way I look? And not put me down saying I'm ugly and I'm not beautiful? That would actually really make me the happiest girl on earth. Even my so called 'friends' at school would sometimes put me down in the smallest of ways about the way I look.....

<~> Warning ; Offensive stuff <~>

'You look Asian.....'

'No!! She looks like a stupid African!'

'Damn Tiana! Slut much?'

With that....I don't even dress or look like a slut! Fuck them am I right?! 

'Go die in hell!'

That comment from one of my oldest friends. 

So you can see why I'm nervous for a face reveal. But you guys have been so supporting with this book over a short period of time I'm confident and just need reassurance. So the question of the day for this A/N is - Hold up! I have two questions for you guys,

Related to this chapter xD

Do you guys want me to do a face reveal when we hit 1K?

Will you be supportive of the way I look?

As always my lil 8's,


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