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Lily's POV

Here I am again,crying in a room all by myself.Wishing that someday all my sufferings will end.Its not that im depressed or anything,I just feel tired and weak.

I still can't believe that of all people in these world,why me?Why am I the one who has to go through chemotherapy just to live?Im still young,I don't deserve this.I should be going outside and living my life but noooo I'm here,stuck in this boring and stinky hospital.If only I could remove this sickness out of my body,I would but...Hah! who am I kidding? that's impossible.

*sigh*might as well sleep than rant about how cruel life is.I can do that tomorrow...if I still wake up,which I hope that I wont.
I was about to sleep when I suddenly heard a knock.

"Ugh.Who would visit this late at night?"-I went to the door and opened it but there was no one outside.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

I heard the knock again and that's when I realized that It came from the window.I slowly went to the window when something,wait no,someone caught my eye.OMG!!!!There's someone outside my window.I quickly ran and hid under my blanket.

"Hoooo...Lily you can do this.That's just nothing.That was just your imagination."-I looked at the window again and ITS STILL THERE!!!WHAT IS HAPPENING!?DID I HAVE TOO MUCH MEDICINE!?WHY AM I SEEING THINGS!?!WHAT IF ITS A BURGLAR OR A KILLER!?Wait why am I scared of dying,thats actually what I want.But wait,Im on the 14th floor.H-how can someone stand outside my window?OMG!!!ITS A GHOST!!!

As much as I want to scream and get out of my room,I can't.Im too scared to move and its like something is pushing me to open the window.

Uhm its not much of a big deal if I open the window,right?I mean aside from getting killed,which is,again,a good thing.Nothing wrong's gonna happen....right?

Setting aside the fact that I'm shaking,I still went near the  window.

"1.....2.....3"-I opened it and I was about to scream when someone covered my mouth.

"Don't scream.I'm not gonna hurt you."-the boy said and he entered my room while... Flying?Then something shining followed him.

"W-who are y-you?"

"Seriously?you don't know me?Don't you read story books?" -he asked.

I just shaked my head as an answer.

"Oh. Then let me introduce myself,I'm Peterpan.I take children to a place where he/she will find peace and happiness.And before I forget that little fella is tinkerbell.She's a fairy."-he said while pointing to the thing that's shining.

"O-okay."-I said while still shaking

"Hey!Are you scared of me?Come on there's nothing to be scared of,right Tinkerbell?"-and the fairy just nodded.

"How can I be not scared when you,a flying creature,suddenly barged into my room?And youre with a fairy,which is actually pretty unbelieveable.And.....wait maybe this is just a side effect of my medicine or maybe Im just dreaming.Yup maybe thats it.I just need to wake myself up."-and with that I started to slap and pinch myself.But "peterpan" stopped me.

"H-hey!Stop!Youre not dreaming."-he said while holding my hands


"No buts.If only you read story books,you wont be scared of me.And as a matter of fact,if you did read my would be happy to see me."

"But I didnt.So im not happy to see you."

"Are you sure?You dont even know much about me.You dont know why Im here."

Peterpan(One-shot)Where stories live. Discover now