4. Baby Shower

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Bellingham, Washington , The Millers House.

Present day.

The millers woke up to a door slamming shut. looking over to the clock , it reads 1 am in the morning. They already knew that the noise had been made by there daughter , Ella. From the moment she knew that her adopted mother was pregnant , she began to rebel and getting her self into trouble. first they thought it was just a phase that she would grow out of eventually but as 8 months had past it became a habit. Sometimes , it just got too much for them to handle.

Ella squint through the darkness inside the mansion as she steps into the stairs. She tries to be as quit as possible , trying to avoid waking up her parents.

" Young lady , where were you ? " A loud voice came through the quite atmosphere from the top of the stairs , I jump from the sudden noise as I looked up and there was my Father , Colin Miller.

" Jeez !! you scared me , At Max's Party " Ella whisper shouts.

Like every other night for the past 8 months , Ella gets a lecture from her father about coming home before curfew but this time he added , " You are going the day after Tomorrow with your mother to her baby shower party at you aunt's mansion " as I tried to explain " But .." I added as he frowned  "No but !! you are going and this is my final word " My dad said as he entered back to his room.

Ella knew that tomorrow would be Hell for her or even worst as she knew that was the worst imaginable punishment her father could have given her. From the moment people knew that her parents were having another child they would always say something like ' you are finally blessed with a child' or 'you would finally get a child' even though i was happy for my parents , it still hurt to think that "I'm not enough' and tomorrow would be like hearing them over and over again saying the same sentences.

Ella opens the door of her bedroom and stumbles in.once again she squint in the darkness until she found the light switch as she toss her bag on the already untidy floor. The brunette girl threw herself on top of her bed as she holds her adoption papers as she always fouces on the blank space in the bio section as all she knew when she was younger was that her birth name was Katelyn but now.. She knew that her bio mother name was Emma Swan due to her DNA sample that was directed into the system as Her bio-mother was also looking for her parents.


Fairhaven, Washington , Jenny Apartment.

Caylin's POV : 

" Cay Wake up NOW ! you are late for your shift " Jenny shouted. I was about to protest , but then i heard the door slammed shut. i groaned while putting the covers over my head , ignoring what my sister said.

No one would die , if i was late 10 more minute , right ?  I thought 

" Caylin , get up or you will get yourself fired " Jenny said. " you already got fired from 3 jobs before " she finishes , while slamming the door once again after hearing her calling me by my birth name i knew she was angry.

My mind was fuzzy , and my head hurt like hell. with a mental sign , i cautiously opened one eye as i sow the beer bottle laying next to me in bed. I lifted my head from the pillow and pulling my body upward. I rubbed my eyes as i finally managed to open both of my eyes fully.


breathe , Cay , breathe. I reminded my self before entering the coffee shop. " what brings you late once again , Caylin " My boss , Jack asked. I was about to make up a lie until he decided to cut me off before i could even mutter a word " You know what , just go , I don't even want to hear another one of your lies ". I gave him a nod , and went behind the register counter as i sow my friend kelly smirk as she approached me. " do you have to always come late " she asked. 

" well , I am not late it is just that you are always early " I stated , hearing kelly chuckle while i focus my attention on a costumer who just entered the cafe.

" Where is your boss ! " The costumer asked as he seemed nervous and some what up normal. kelly just pointed at the table beside the window were jack was sitting.

Few minute  had past as i heard jack calling me over which was strange. " You and kelly are going to cater for a baby shower " He stated as my eyes widen. " No " I replied. " but there is money involved " he added as he winked " how much are we talking about here " i said as i took a seat.


Bellingham, Washington , Elizabeth mansion , 5 Am.

" I don't know how you got me into this " Kelly said as she gave me a side eye.

" this is your lucky day , do you know how much they are paying us just to decorate this place and bring them food " I stated.


Bellingham, Washington , Aunt Elizabeth mansion , 5 Pm.

Ella's POV :

It was a 10 minute drive but felt like forever as we finally reached aunt Elizabeth mansion , i got a lecture the hole ride about how to act as if i was a dog show that is going to present.

" behave " My mother stated as she finally let go of my hands as we approach the door. 

" lets get this over with " I stated as we enter the mansion.


I went to the bathroom to finally get a break from all the stuff happening outside as my mother kept on dragging me everywhere and as i expected everything would be like , Hell. 

" Wait for me near the car , i am going to the toilet for a second " I heard a familiar voice with a sound of a laugh at the end.

I startled as i heard the bathroom door bang closed to the toilet. I hesitantly look away from the reflection of me in the mirror as i was correcting my make-up as i look toward the door and there I sow the young blonde teenager standing in-front of me with Remarkably Similar features as me Other Than the Tiny Detail that was different which was our hair and eye colour.

We were both speechless for a moment as we kept going in circle around each other , it was like if we were twins.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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