Chapter 2

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I thought it would be safe to get my out of my hiding place, when i heard something ( It sounded like a dog yapping ( I turn around and their squished behind me is this adorable little multizshituz puppy with a bleeding ear, i reach into my pocket and pull out a tissue to wipe away the blood from the puppies ear.

It was a male dog with no collar and I knew i was the probs the only human left in my town so i decided to name the puppy ( Humphery ) I named it . When all was clear after about 5 minutes according to my watch me and humphrey my new friend carefully climbed out of the broken metal pole and stepped outside . 

It was a mess: there were dead bodies all around us, my home and the rest of the town in pecies , all the buildings smashed into parts thrown all over, and then i spot my parents bodies lying on the ground squashed under my once alive family car! along with my school teacher Mrs kelly yay, my photo i had under my pillow of grandmar and grandpa  and my first bike.

I ran over too my parents crying and feeling lonely inside , then i remembed my new friend Humphrey: he followed me and came cuddling up to me, so I sat there for a little while crying and hugging my dog when i heard trucks heading my way!  I looked into the forest and saw about 20 trucks with the same logo as the plane that dropped the bomb on my town, so i placed Humphrey down and made a run for it ("That goes back to when i was saying at the begging of the story running, panting and frigtened over what i had been through and what i had just seen.

Me and my dog Humphrey had ran 5 miles without stopping , purely out of fear) when suddenly my legs started to slow down and i felt exggsausted I couldn't take it any more i saw a tree and clappsed on a near bye tree root and fell asleep : 

I don't know how long i was asleep but i know it was 4:35 pm in the afternoon and know it is 6:00 pm at night so i think it was 2 hours i am still not very sure because i can't tell time very well.  I got up and started running again, but i feel straight into a ditch and landed right  onto M360 guns with bullets launched , and then i heard voices so i hid behind a rock and listened in to what they were saying 

" Did u hear something  said a strange vocie ( " It kind of sounded like a  mans voice speaking and it sounded familiar too me too ! "Anothey " said another strange mans voice - It kind of sounded like a kernel voice ( As in a  high up commander in a squad of war ) " Anthoney this is the third time you have talked about your family ; " Listen solider if u want to be in this squad forget about your family otherwise you are off solider so whats it gonna be ?" "Fine said Anthoney i will not be in this squad i quit"! " Right well the rest of you lets keep moving".

I thought it was safe to come out from behind the rock because after all i knew that was my grandpa there: "Hold it my grandpa said while he was pointing the loaded gun at my face) I couldn't find much words to say because i was frightened , so i said this ( - Grandpa its me ur granddaughter Jeanavive " i took of my anklet that i got from him when i was born ) and showed him :

"Oh my gosh it is you Jeanavive "oh my dear give your grandpa a hug , are u by urself "yeah mum and dad died in the bomb its just me and humphrey my new dog "

"Well you are no longer alone " and thats what my life consists of know i live with my grandpa and dog and we live in the scraps of our lost town .


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2016 ⏰

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