In the Shadows of Yearning

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Hermione walks into Professor Slughorn's classroom prepared to bear the scrutiny of the rest of her housemates for her tardiness. Walking with her head down, she peers over the heads of the rest of the students, looking for an empty seat.

Quickly, she spots one open and rushes towards it, not bothering to check who is in the seat beside her.

"Of course it's Granger," the voice next to her says in a slow and taunting drawl.

Hermione's body freezes. She recognizes the voice. Turning her head, she takes in the snow white hair, the grey eyes and the mocking smirk before grimacing at her mistake.

"That's not a lovely look to give your seat partner now is it, Granger?" Draco mocks.

Hermione's cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and frustration. She tightens her grip on her bag, trying to ignore Draco's taunting demeanor.

"Why am I not surprised to see you here, Malfoy?" she retorts, managing to keep her voice steady despite the irritation bubbling inside her.

Draco's smirk widens, clearly enjoying her discomfort. "Oh, come now. Surely you didn't think the universe would be kind enough to spare you from a little Malfoy charm."

Hermione rolls her eyes and takes her seat, determined not to let Draco's presence disrupt her concentration. She pulls out her parchment and quill, deliberately avoiding any further conversation. She can almost hear Harry's voice in her head, telling her not to let Malfoy get under her skin.

Professor Slughorn, noticing the slight commotion, claps his hands together. "Alright, everyone, settle down. Today we'll be learning about the properties of the Amortentia potion and its uses in potion-making."

Hermione focuses on the Professor, her attention shifting to the lesson. Draco, however, seems intent on breaking her concentration. He leans closer, his voice low but insistent. "You know, you really should try smiling once in a while. It might improve your mood."

Hermione grits her teeth, fighting the urge to respond. Instead, she focuses on taking notes, determined not to give him the satisfaction of seeing her riled up.

Draco leaves their shared table to retrieve the potion ingredients they'll need.

As he strides towards the cupboard to fetch the potion ingredients, Hermione uses the brief respite to take a deep breath. She glances around the classroom, taking in the familiar sight of students bustling about, exchanging whispers and glances.

Draco, with his usual air of superiority, makes his way back to their table with a collection of jars and bottles. He places them down with a flourish, as if to emphasize his role in the task.

"So," he says, his voice dripping with feigned friendliness, "How've you been? No longer chasing after that red-headed dolt?"

Hermione lifts her chin slightly, refusing to let his provocation get the better of her. "I see the trial earlier this year has done nothing to dull your sharp wit."

Draco raises an eyebrow, clearly amused by her reaction. "Touchy, aren't we? Fine, fine. I'll play nice." He says. "For now."

Hermione shakes her head slightly, trying to suppress a smile at his predictable behavior. She begins to measure out ingredients with precise, practiced movements, hoping that her focus and skill will keep her mind off Draco's constant commentary.

As the lesson progresses, Hermione's concentration deepens, and she finds herself absorbed in the delicate process of potion-making. Draco's presence, though irritating, becomes a background noise as she focuses on the task at hand.

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