Don't Leave

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I signed the last of my divorce papers, forming a pile, and handing them back to my lawyer. Austin and I's 6 year marriage didn't work out very well. "Thank you, Mrs. Moon. You're husband hasn't finished filling the papers out, but I'm sure he'll be by soon." I nodded, and made my way out. Better start getting used to Ms. Dawson, once again.

I drove to Austin's house, digging the key from my purse as I arrived. I walked up to the door, unlocking it, and made my way inside. I missed this house. For the past week, I'd been moving boxes from here to my apartment.

"Mommy!" Alex and Aria exclaimed as I walked into the living room. Yes, Austin and I did have kids. They're twins, both 5 years-old. "Hi Alex, hi Aria." Alex had his dad's eyes, and my hair, and the same thing with Aria.

I was really upset, this was my last day in this house. Last time I'd get to see Aria and Alex everyday.  Last time Austin and I would be together in the same house.

"Hey, Ally." I turned around to see Austin. "Oh, hi Austin. Sorry, I needed to get the last boxes." I fingered the ring on my finger, thinking about whether to give it back to Austin right now, or wait.

I decided to take it off, "Here Austin." He took it, and slipped it into his pocket.

Sometimes, I'd wished we'd just stayed friends. I mean, this divorce will hurt our friendship in numerous ways. I still remember the times we had making music, when we were young, but we were 26 now, those days were over.

"I'll leave you alone. Take all the time you need." And with that, he left the room. I thought about the main reason we got divorced; he didn't seem to love me anymore.

He'd come home late, ignore me, eat out when I made dinner, yell at me even. Of course, I still love him. Sometimes looking at the kids, is too hard. They remind of one person: Austin Monica Moon, my ex-forever love.

I took a scrapbook from the box. It was titled, Forever and Always. Our most memorable moments were in there.

I flipped to a page. Austin and I were at the beach. That was the night he proposed, six years ago. My eyes welled with tears.

The next page I flipped to, was when I was pregnant with Alex and Aria. The picture showed Austin feeling my swollen stomach, while I held my hands in a thumbs up sign. The tears rolled down my cheeks by now.

I flipped one last time. This was when Austin and I went to Italy, only last year, for fun. Without the kids, just him and I. This had me crying harder now.

I slammed the scrapbooks lid, and threw it into the box, wiping my eyes with my jacket sleeve.

Carrying the box in my arms, I lead myself out of the room, and into the living room. They followed me outside, Austin putting his arms around the kids, as I packed the last few boxes.

Austin was crying. Alex was crying. Aria was crying. I was crying.

As I was about to open the car door, Austin caught me off guard, "Ally, wait," he hugged me tightly," I love you..."

This gave me the chills, this was something he hadn't said to me, in God knows how long! The old Austin was coming back.

I looked up at his big, brown eyes, "Ally, I can't stand the thought of you leav-" I cut him off, crashing my lips to his. This might be stupid, but he was coming back, the Austin I fell in love with, who I said 'I do' to, was back.

When we released, he looked up at me, more tears falling down. "Ally, please. Don't leave."

"Austin, I've missed you. I can't leave."

"Ally Dawson, will you do the honour, of marrying me?- again?"

"Yes, Austin. And I promise- I'll never leave again."

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