Moi got tagged

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So hello random peasants, I got tagged...I don't know why but I just did. So I was jus' minding my own business rewriting my chap- cuz wattpad decided it's a good idea to delete that draft- and my notification box blinked ( beeped?) and I found out that I have been tagged by Stollsaregreat and fantasywriter33 So here it goes............
•List all the rules ( I SHALL NOT I WIL MUTILATE THIS RULE  MUAHHAHA, jk I will NOT Or will I? )
•Tag 15 other people ( I don't know 15 other people. Oh, not in real life. Okay )
•Write 15 facts about yourself
•This is compulsory and shall done Within a week.

LE FACTS-–—_~=+ ö

Fact 1)before I'm gonna talk to someone or meet someone I have a conversation with them in my mind.

Fact 2) I mind talk to myself a lot, like a lot lot, the unhealthy amounts of talking to myself.

Fact 3)I'm a non-vegetarian but, still I don't eat ANY kind of seafood. I HATE SEAFOOD.

Fact 458) I have a poster-framed-with the words–'Don't Judge A Book By It's Movie' I so freaking love it.

Fact 5) I love to doodle eyes–I have even drawn eyes on my mom's twilight– faces and totally crazy stuff ( look in media for eyes ).

Fact 7?) I forget my counting very often, even though I do well in maths.

Fact 6?) I have a small wooden owl and an elephant :).

Fact 8) I like marvel better than Dc. Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na SORRY

Fact 9) I have a small white and red ( mostly white ) teddy bear that my best friend's dad gave me on his birthday.

Fact 105) I turn small events into really dramatic events-in my mind- and laugh at myself in my mind.

Fact 11111) I have a bigger brother who is hel-bent on convincing me that he is 5 years older than. ( reality–  I am only 4 years and 11 months younger than him  ).

Fact 0) when I'm bored I like to twitch my dog's ears up ( kinda like this — /\__/\ ) to resemble batman's suite ears and sing the batman theme song and end it with, bat-dog.

Fact 19) I hate the term book worm, ( NO! I'm not a little worm that eats book pages ) I prefer the term book lioness.

Fact 1654) I didn't know drake ( the singer/rapper ) existed until last year.

Fact 14?) until 8 years old I thought I couldn't move my pupils. So I practiced to move them in the mirror. And that's because I couldn't see myself moving my eyes in the mirror.

Fact 15) I love Nutella. Well that's not a fact. That's truth. So-
Bonus fact) I always say mighty al instead of almighty for no reason at all. Seriously why do I even do it. And it's not even on purpose, I just say it.


ThaliaTheHuntress because I like her story's idea. please write more -Thalia...?-!!!

IS THAT IT? *sees other tag books to confirm* YUP! That's it. Also I decided to put my drawing in the media from now on! Vote and comment!And at last ,

BYE!! fans of stufff

A Forgotten LegendDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora