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Kirstie slept for a few hours after being drunk. She woke up to the smell of Avi cooking something in the kitchen. As if on cue, Avi walked into her room to wake her up.
"Kirstie, I made food."
She just groaned.
"Are you gonna make it?"
Avi laughed.
"I don't know, my head hurts."
"That's what happens when you get drunk sweets."
"I got drunk? What's that?"
"When you drink too much alcohol."
"That stuff I tried?"
"Oh.. Will you make my head feel better?"
"Yeah, come on."
They walked to the kitchen and Avi gave her some water and ibuprofen. She chugged the water and took the medicine.
"I don't remember much before I went to sleep."
"That's normal."
"What did I do... Or say?"
"Well, you threw apples at the cabinets..."
"Is that all?"
"Well what else?"
Avi was hesitant to tell her what she told him. He didn't know if she wanted him to know.
"Kirstie... You love me right?"
"Of course."
"You know I'll keep any secret you tell me right?"
"Yeah... What are you talking about?"
"You told me the truth about how you grew up. About how you were abused, and how you left."
"...oh... Yeah, that's the truth... Please don't be mad."
"I'm not mad sweetie. But why did you lie?"
"I haven't ever told anyone."
"I promise I won't tell anyone."
"Are you sure you're not mad?"
"I'm sure, I still love you."
Kirstie smiled and looked down. She was finally becoming comfortable with Avi. She kept looking down and shifting in her seat.
"Kirstie.. Are you ok?"
She nodded and stood up. She walked up to Avi and hugged him. She buried her face in his chest and hugged his waist. Her words were muffled.
"I really love you Avi."
"I really love you too."
He kissed the top of her head and held her for a few minutes.
"Are you hungry?"
"Let's eat."
Avi made two plates of food and they sat down to eat.
"Kirstie, can you promise me that, for now, you will ask me before you drink alcohol?"
"Yes, I don't think I want anymore of that stuff anyway."
Avi laughed.
"Ok, just ask if you do."
"I will."
After they finished Kirstie decided to take a shower. Scott called Avi.
"Hey, I was invited over to my friend Mitch's house. He said to bring a friend and I was thinking Kirstie should come with. If you're ok with that."
"Oh yeah, when?"
"Tonight at 7."
"Sure, I'll tell her to be ready."
"Awesome, I'll be over at 6:45."
Kirstie finished her shower a few minutes later and walked out dressed for bed.
"Hey babe, Scott invited you to go somewhere."
"Really? Where?"
"He wants you to go with him to his friend Mitch's house."
"Are you ok with that?"
"Yeah... Of course."
"Ok... I should get dressed."
Avi laughed.
"Yeah, he'll be here in a few minutes."
Kirstie went to go change. She came back with some leggings and a t shirt on.
"Is he here yet?"
"He should be any second now."
Just then Scott walked in. He grabbed Kirstie's hand and walked back to the door.
"Wait Scott, don't keep her out too long."
"I won't."
The two left and Avi sat quietly on the couch. He walked to he kitchen poured some of the whiskey he had. He hadn't drank in a few months and chugged the whole glass. It was the perfect time for him to unwind and relax for a bit. So, he poured himself some more. A few sips later, he grabbed two bottles and headed to his man cave. Meanwhile, Kirstie and Scott were having a good time. It was basically like a sleepover for the three of them. It was only Scott, Mitch and Kirstie.
Mitch got to talking.
"So Kirstie, you and Scott's friend Avi huh..."
"What about us?"
"Are you guys together?"
"Then yes."
"Have you guys had sex?"
"Mhm, it was fantastic."
Mitch laughed.
"I really love him. He's taught me a lot."
"I've met him a few times, he's a great guy."
"I know."
The three talked for hours and became really close. Kirstie finally had some real friends and felt loved. Soon it reached 11:30 and Scott had to take Kirstie home. They hugged and left. Avi had finished the two bottles of whiskey and was now drunk. He hadn't been drunk in a long time and was pleased at the moment. Scott walked in with Kirstie and said his goodbyes and left.
"Avi? Where are you?"
Avi stumbled into the living room and stared angrily at Kirstie.
"Where have you been?"
"I was with Scott remember."
"Doing what?"
"We went to Mitch's house. I had a lot of fun, Mitch said we could-"
"Are you cheating on me?"
"What? No... I was just-"
"You're cheating on me."
"Avi I've learned."
"Shut up. I'm sick of all the questions you ask. 'What's this, what's that?' It gets annoying sometimes."
All of Avi's words were slurred. Kirstie wasn't sure why and walked up to him.
"Avi... I thought you loved when I asked questions. You said you loved that about me."
"Yeah well, not all the time."
"I'm sorry... Why are your words so slurred?"
"Bitch? My mom called me that... Before she hit me."
Avi stumbled up to Kirstie and stared hard at her. She began to slowly back away and beg not to be hit.
"Avi please no... Please, I thought you love me!"
Avi was breathing heavy and grabbed her arm hard. He pulled her up to him and grabbed the back of her hair. She winced in pain and tears started to stream down her face.
"You weak little bitch."
Avi yanked her hair and slapped her across the face. He dropped her on the floor and left her to cry on the cold ground. She cried herself to sleep and Avi passed out on the couch.

Along came KirstinWhere stories live. Discover now