Finally happy

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Dedicated to mesmereyes vote for alien its the bomb
>>sometimes, you have to deal with the pain<<

Harry's POV:

I looked around the room silently, staring up at the eyes looking down at me. The tears slowly making their way down my cheeks and I wipe them quickly hoping the rest notice it.

"what happened, who took her? " I asked just as the door flies open. A girl, average height, blonde hair and a caked-up faced scans the room thoroughly.

"harry! " she squeals, engulfing me in a really tight hug. Lucy.

"you bitch, you took cherry away from me. Where is she? " Stacy angrily grabbed a fist full of Lucy's hair and punched her in the face. Lucy stumbled back and fell on me.

"Stacy, why did you do that? " I asked, helping Lucy to stand up.

"harry, you're supporting her knowing she could have kidnapped cherry"

"remember her name is Cheyenne " I backfire at Stacy, remembering what cherry said to me. Stacy huffed and shook her head in disgust.

"it could have been anyone Stacy " Liam said.

"you guys are really blind, aren't you? You can't clearly see that she of all people hates cherry. She's a bitch! "

"language! " Liam warned.

"you" Stacy pointed to Lucy and Alex and her narrowed into her.

"if we find out that you had anything to do with Cherry's disappearance........ "

I interrupted...... " Cheyenne "

"shut up harry! " they both shouted at me and faced Lucy.

"we'll personally shut you up permanently. " Alex ended and they both left to continue their search for cherry.

"harry.... " Lucy ran into my arms and I look up to the guys for help :it one after the other, they left me.

"she threatened me, why does she hate me that much? " she cried on my chest and I stroke her hair softly.

"its okay! "

Cherry's POV: one week later
"you traitor! " I shouted at my stupid ex boyfriend. He shot me a glare and I shutter, shaking the chains that bounded my arms from moving.

"I can't believe you're working with her. " I shouted, this time my voice bouncing of the walls. He got up, with a neatly made sandwich in his hand.

"hey eat this. " he poked the sandwich on my lips.

"why, so you can poison me, so you can kill me, well no! " I spat at his face and he grabbed my mouth and forced the sandwich into my mouth. I spat it back out and screamed.

"bitch! You know what? You're never getting out of here so you can rot in hell for all I care. " he smacked my face hard and walked out.

"I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die in here! " I cry hard.

*10 months later*

Harry's POV:

After almost a year of searching for cherry, I've decided to settle down with Lucy, the only one who's been here with me through my recovery. I asked Liam and Louis with also Niall and they sadly agreed. I asked Lucy to marry me and she agreed. We agreed to wed in Liverpool and although Alex and Stacy say they'll never give up, let's all just say Cherry's gone and that's the end.

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