Journey From Hell

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"Rochelle! Where is my damn breakfast woman? You know what..nevermind. I'm gonna be late for work damnit!"

I don't usually walk to work. But after my little argument with Rochelle,the wife, I've lost access to her Toyota..

So as I'm walking to work I hear some loud barking, and as expected there's a bunch of dogs, 5 to be precise, travelling in a pack. I notice they are wearing similar colours so maybe they are related, or even part of a gang?

To get myself pumped up for work I decide to listen to some music. I play some tunes albeit, with the loud barking of these troublesome dogs.

After a while, I figure enough is enough. I simply have to confront these dogs. I walk up to them and tell them to sort it out. I point at the houses and argue that people are still sleeping. I honestly expected more of a fight. Not that I'm complaining!

They obeyed my order and I was left foolishly lowering my fists and putting my glasses back on.

(10 minutes later)

I've nearly reached my destination. But, from the corner of my eye I see the same dogs following me. Maybe they just happen to take the same route? I tried convincing myself that. But, curiosity got the better of me. So much that I ended up taking the first turn I saw and waited to see if they followed.

Funnily enough, they took the same turn. It was at this moment, I knew I messed up! The dogs slowly began to corner me. I didn't want any trouble and made sure to tell them. I raised my hands in defeat. But, these dogs were savage and soon made it clear they weren't interested in reaching a compromise.

Their ringleader became evident after a minute or two. He or she began making unacceptable demands. One pointed at my phone.

"Oh, this old thing? You don't want this, trust me. The battery life is awful. And the selfie camera, forget about it," I tell them.

Having persuaded them my phone wasn't worth pursuing, another pointed at my shoes. Now, to avoid pushing my luck, I hand my left shoe over.
I thought they would settle for that one. But, they want the right shoe too.

I notice some people passing by. They look pretty shocked. I mouth "Call the police" without triggering suspicion. They pulled through for me and the sirens of the police could be heard after a minute or two.
Honestly, I've never been so happy to see the old bill. Until...

"Freeze! Put down your weapon! " The police officer shouts.

"Me? What!? I don't have a gun officer! And I'm the victim here!" I shout.

"We will not warn you again! Stop resisting!" The officer tells me, grabbing me from behind, "Stop resisting! We will shoot."

"I'm not resisting, officer. Look, I'm the innocent party here. These dogs are the troublemakers!"

"That's not what these brave bystanders have told us. We were informed a black man was holding 5 dogs, hostage!"

"That explains how quickly you arrived. And there I was thinking the police had changed? These "bystanders" are full of shit, officer if you'll pardon my french!"

Fortunately for me, a passerby had heard what had been going on from his garden and vouched for me. God bless that man. So, the police were left to detain the dogs for questioning. I was asked a few questions too. But, I'm no snitch. And I made that perfectly clear to them. But, these dogs did steal my Jordan's. I guess cooperation would be my best bet if I wanted them back.

"Whats the situation here,sir?"

"Well, they stole everything. They stole my iPhone, my rolex watch, and my bloody Audi R8!"

"Wait, you mean to tell me these dogs stole your vehicle?" The officer interrupts.

"Are you calling me a liar?!"

"No, sir, I'm simply confirming your story."

"They also kidnapped my nephew and held him at gunpoint."

"Where is the nephew!?

(The officer speaks into a walkie talkie)
Charlie 5 over...We have a kidnapping on our hands. I need as many officers as possible to cordon off the perimeter."

"They took him away. Please, you gotta find him. If he's reported missing I think the family and I would accept compensation. Maybe we can declare him missing now and save you guys the time?" It would be a win-win..

"Are you seriously just putting a price on your nephew? And what you just told me is illegal! But I believe it's the trauma talking so i'll let you off.
However I promise you these scumbags will get put away for a very long time. As for your nephew we will do our very best to find him. And I send my condolences for this truly terrifying experience," The officer adds.

"That's all very well and good but I am traumatised and don't think I can return to work for at least another year or two!"

"That really is out of my control sir. It's down to you and your employer."

"But, you will back up my claim, right? Maybe, put in a good word for me?" I insist.

"Goodbye, sir."

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