Wednesday night

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(Lets just pretend her period lasted 1 day lmao.😂😂)

That night it was 11:30. I was watching Shane Dawson on YouTube. I was still wearing my outfit. Hunter came in and sat on my bed,"Are you still on yo-"

"No it stopped." I said.

"Oh." Hunter said.

This was really awkward. Hunter pulled up a chair next to me,"Oh I love Shane!" He exclaimed.

"Me too." I said.

We looked at each other. Our lips meet. He lifted me up like a baby and and layed me on the bed without breaking the kiss. He kissed my neck. He traveled down to my boobs and looked to see if it was ok. I nodded. He unzipped my crop top and touched my boobs. He kissed them,"Oh Hunter. UAHHHHHJJHJ!!!" I whispered.

"Its ok baby girl." He smirked

"OH MY GOD. AHHHHHHH!" I shouted.

Hunter started kissing me more and rubbed my stomach, clearly teasing me,"Ugh Hunter your such a tease." I said.

He laughed.
He kissed my neck more and grabbed my boob. He slid off my shorts and took off his pants and shirt. He was so ripped. Hunter took off my underwear and his own,"You ready?" He asked.
He slid his🍆 into me,"AHHH!" I shouted.

he banged me for 20 minutes.
He leaned in and kissed me,"Your really cute baby girl." He said.

I blushed.


Gabby was gorgeous,"So old are you?" I asked.

"13." She said.


Omg how tho! I'm 15! I wanted to go out with her but she's too young.


"Well im gonna go to sleep." I said.

"Ok goodnight." He said.

He kissed me on the forehead,"Goodnight babe." He whispered.


Hunter was acting like I was dating him, like back off. I went to bed. Well At least I tried. I walked into the kitchen and saw Cams phone on the counter. I remembered he didn't have a password. I opened his phone and I saw that Hunter was texting him,

Hunter: Bro guess what.
Me (aka gabby): What?
Hunter: I just banged Gabby.
Me: Really!?
Hunter: Yea.
Me: Was she good?
Hunter: No, not really.
Me: How come?
Hunter: Idk. She just wasn't I guess.

Seriously Hunter, wtf.

Me: Oh.
Hunter: I was gonna ask her out but she's 2 young.
Me: Oh. Well im gonna go to sleep.

I turned Cams phone off and went back to my room. I went to sleep.
I woke up to Blake jumping on me,"GABBY WAKE UP!" He laughed.

"Ok im up." I groaned.

He fell on top of me and we looked at each other. I blushed. He smirked. I tried to roll away from him but we both fell on the floor,"OW!" I said.

He laughed. We walked out and we got breakfast. I looked at my clothes and realized I was still in my PJS and still looked like a pile of dog shit. After breakfast I picked out this from my suitcase:

 After breakfast I picked out this from my suitcase:

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Minus the shoes and the necklace. I also picked out these shoes:

I walked out of my room and saw all the boys drolling over me

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I walked out of my room and saw all the boys drolling over me. Jacob came up to me,"Uh...hi."

He was looking at my boobs.

"Um up here Jacob!" I snapped my fingers.

"Sorry." He blushed and looked down. Everyone laughed.

This is ganna be a good day.

(The story's being edited still. It depends when you're reading this.)

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