Chapter 1

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"Now who would like a cookie!"

Several hands go up around the room, followed by chuckles and a couple calls of "wow guys, really?". Everyone laughs and starts muttering to their friends beside them.  I roll my eyes and keep watching the weird lemur dancing around on the screen.

"Assez!  Assez!  Quiet down or you'll all have detention until 4:03!"

4:03.  What kind of fucked up time to end something is 4:03?!  Seriously.  Does anyone arround here have a brain?  That doesn't make you afraid of detention, that just makes you really want to laugh right in her face!  I give up trying to watch the movie and just look around the room.  All my classmates are looking at the screen, seemingly watching the movie.  I wonder how many of them actually are and how many, like me, have only been looking in that direction and thinking about completely different things this entire time.  I look at everyone's face in turn, wondering what exactly is going through their head at this very moment, at the same time as I'm wondering about it.  I wonder if anyone's wondering what I'm thinking.  I wonder if anyone else thinks anything like the things that go through my head or if I'm just crazy.

I would probably go on wondering for a really long time but the bell goes and I snap out of it.  I instantly jump up, grab my things and am out the door and heading away from french class before most other people even come back to themselves.  The thing is I'm not quite actually back to myself.  I know where I am, where I'm going and if someone talked to me I would be able to register it and respond, but I'm still in the wondering state, still kind of zoned out.

I go downstairs to the change room and put my binders in a cubby.  For once I'm actually the first person here.  I walk quickly over to the light switch and flick it off before anyone can get there to object.  There's plenty of natural light without it and it feels so much better.  As I'm starting to change into my gym clothes my friends Bevvy, Chris and Donna come in and choose cubbys next to mine.

"Hey ditcher." Bevvy says, and gives me a playful slap on the arm. 

" Well so-rry you're so slow." I answer back with a grin.

Donna's always a fast changer so by the time I'm putting my shoes back on she's ready to go.  I leave my shoelaces untied and we start heading back across the school to the gym.

"I can't believe we watch english movies with english subtitles in french class.  Mme. Brunelle is such an idiot." I complain as we're pushing past all the other kids in the hall.

"Well at least we don't have to do any work, we get enough homework from every other class." Donna replies and makes a face.

I know what she means.  Maybe it's just me but we always seem to have some sort of project on the go for pretty much every subject, usually all due around the same time.  Good thing highschools only look at your first term report card.  After those are done I'm probably not going to be trying nearly as hard since it won't really affect anything anyways.

The second bell goes just as we pass through the door of the gym.  I sit down on a bench and tie my shoes, then go to sit on the ground with everyone else to listen to Mr. Harlson take attendance and put us in teams for dodgeball.

"All right, everyone's here.  Benny, can you take this to the office." Mr. Harlson holds out the attendance binder.  Benny gets up, takes it and leaves. "Now, I'm going to number you off, even numbers on that side and odds on this side, and I don't know why I'm telling you this because you've all heard this so much you could do it in your sleep." 

I laugh.  Some people are scared of Mr. Harlson but I like him, it's rather refreshing to hear something like that come out of a teacher's mouth after thinking it so many times yourself.  I get numbered off as 11 so I get up and go lie down with my feet touching the wall just as Benny gets back and joins my team.  Bevvy, Chris and Donna are all on the even team.

Mr. Harlson tosses the balls into the middle of the room and blows his whistle.  Everyone jumps to their feet and and a few kids from each team sprint for the balls.  I get up slowly and walk right up to the center line in the far left corner. Then I just stand there.  I figured out a while ago that if you just stand right there and do nothing, most people won't even notice you, so people wielding balls on the other team will walk up, stand right in front of you and throw at someone else without even seeing you're there.  Of course if I'm wrong I'm out right away, but it's pretty funny.

The odd team end up loosing all 4 games we play before the afternoon announcements come on.  Whatever kids they get to be announcers, they're unbelievable.  It sounds like they can barely even read, and they talk way too close to the microphone so you can't even understand what they do say!  Unsurprisingly, I get no information about anything from listening to that, so i learned to tune it out a long time ago.

I go back to the change room with Bevvy, Chris and Donna, zoned out once again.  Once changed I go to my locker, stuff whatever papers and/or binders I might need into my bag, and since none of my friends walk my way I just say' 'bye' there and leave.

As I'm walking home, there are mainly 3 things on my mind, or more like stuck in my head:                    1. "Now who would like a cookie!"                                                                                                                        2. Benny and the Jets by Elton John (which leads to the third)                                                                        3. Benny

On my way through the park near my house, my thoughts are interrupted when I notice three people coming towards me out of the corner of my eye.  I quicken my pace, not wanting to stop and talk to anyone.  Besides, I think I recognise two of them.  Just my luck.

The three people match my pace and fall into step beside me, one to my right, the other two to my left.  I glare ahead of me, starting to get really annoyed.

"Hi Danielle." I say in a tone that clearly says 'leave me alone'.

"Hey Kat, long time no see." The girl to my right answers in a sweet tone that drips with honey and blood.

I glance to my left at the two other girls snickering at me.  There I see Martina and a girl I've never met before, but who's obviously heard about me and I'm willing to bet she hasn't heard anything good.

"So, how's life at the new school?" Martina prods me with her elbow as she talks.  I grind my teeth and try very hard to stop myself from turning around and slapping her in the face.

"Pretty good, thanks for your fake interest.  And by the way, it was new over a year ago.  Now it's just a place where I have real friends who actually care and won't ditch their friends so they can be popular leaders of 'cool' groups.  Ring any bells?"  Wow it feels good to finally say that.

Martina and the other girl scowl at me and Danielle walks in front of me so I have to stop walking.  I go around her but she grabs my arm.  I twist around and yank my arm so she stumbles forward before letting go.  

I look Danielle right in the eye when she straightens up and say, "What do you want.  You have 60 seconds and I'm leaving.  If you want to talk to me so bad make it quick, 'cause the feeling isn't mutual."

Danielle glares at me, but I can tell she must be surprised I'm actually starting to take control of the sittuation instead of letting her manipulate it.  As a matter of fact I'm probably more surprised than her.

Finally she says, "Don't act like you're so supperior to everyone, Kat.  Just remember your position at this time two years ago and it'll set you straight.  I just wanted you to know that you're boring life will finally have a little excitement in it.  You can thank me later."

I realise my mouth is open and I'm staring at her like she has two heads.  I close my mouth, turn on my heels and walk away.  60 seconds are up.  What a perfect bitch!  Who the hell does she think she is trying to tell me that I think I'm supperior!  

"Who would like a fucking cookie?" I mutter as I stalk away and round a corner.

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