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Being old is not a choice it happens wether we like it or not.

I am Geet Daniels. Today being 36 years old,Sitting on my sofa, looking at the beautiful view from my flat which is at 30th floor , I am thinking about my journey of life so far. I am calculating the mistakes I have made throughtout my life that I shouldn't. I want to cry full day full night till i die. Because without him i can't make it anymore.I dnt want to live anymore like this waiting for him to come back to me.

My love, My Friend Robert Layman whom I met when I was 23 is in hospital and prehaps because of me he is comma.

Its been 10 years for him like this  and I dnt knw if he will ever talk to me again and tell me evrything will be fine. And I can cry and tell him that I love him and I am sorry for everthing.I wish that we become 26 again and I can do everything that I want to do and correct my mistakes. I want to kiss him ,Love him and i want to tell him when he touches me i feel complete and beautiful.

For me, I am still 26.. but as i told you being old is not choice. I do  not look like 26 anymore. I dnt know when Robert will come back he will love me anymore. He will tell how beautiful and deep are my brown eyes, how soft and kissable are my lips.He want to spent the rest of his life with me. 

I still remember the day when i first met him nd thought what a flirt he is as he commented on eyes. It was my first day in the office. Being from India it was quiet difficult for me to survive in NY.

But as Lifes goes on..  and Today I am  here thinking about the memories. 

Hello there Guys.. This is my first novel that I am seerusly writing. Please read and let me know how is it. And let me know if I can make any corrections. Waiting for your precious comments..!!!!! :).. Let me tell you guys most of the story will be in flashback.

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