Meeting The Client

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When I came back from restroom. I was very nervous about facing Mr. Layman again. But when I got inside his office. There was no one present in there. I took a long breath feeling relieved. I found a laptop was there on his table having the note of my name and with the guest login name which I can use till I got my login. 

I took the  laptop and my bag and quickly left his office  and went to the Cady’s cabin which was second cubical from  the Mr. Layman  office as she offered me her cubical to work temporality which  I accept happily after what happens in the Boss office. 

After I went there I was informed by Candy that Mr. Layman is out of the office for this week. He will be available next week now. I felt happy about this. 

For the whole week I worked alone on both the assignment as I still haven’t assigned any team member to work with me.  I was ready for the meeting which was on the Friday with the client. I was informed by “” about the meeting place which was some hotel in the city. 

Also one more person, Ray from the development team was going to meeting with me. We were going by office cab to there. I felt happy about it as I was very nervous about my first meeting. He was very sweet person in his 30’s. He was very attractive and tall. He was very funny and I enjoyed my travel with him.  He was married and he was a proud father of a baby boy, who he named Harry as his wife was huge fan of Harry Potter movie. He showed me the photos of his family also. His baby was defiantly the cutest baby I ever seen in my life.  We reached the mentioned hotel after 1 hour. The meeting was supposed to start at 6 P.M. 

We reached there at 5:30.  That means we were having enough time to settle in the hotel and check the arrangements for the dinner. 

We check the table reserved for us and went straight there. After I excused myself to restroom. So that I can check myself. I went and looked myself in the mirror. Since it was Friday I was wearing smart casuals. I was in a black lace top and black skirt which up to my knees. I brushed my hair and went back. I headed to our table and froze in between when I saw Mr. Layman sitting with Ray on the seat and was talking. I was surprised was understatement. I was literary frozen at my place and was looking at him.. 

He was wearing a white POLO color neck T-shirt with grey jeans. In which he was looking like sex God.  

“Hello mam, Can I help you?” I was caught staring Mr. Layman by the receptionist. 

“Nothing”. I smiled and headed to our table. I sat across the table facing Ray and Mr. Layman. 

Ray smiled and Mr. Layman stared at me for a brief minute and went back to his mobile doing something. 

Ray stood up and went to the hotel manager to make sure the drinks are ready for us. 

“WE are not on date to sit like this.” finally Mr. Layman broke the silence and said. I blushed at his comment about date but got confused why he is saying this? Am I not dressed properly? I looked at him confused.  

“We are from same team we suppose to sit together” He said looking amused. He motioned his hand to the seat next to him. 

“Oh” I blushed and sat on the same sofa he was sitting. 

After a while Ray came and looked at me eyebrow raised. But haven't said anything and sat besides me. We set in silence for some time and client came. Mr. Layman greeted them and introduce us. 

Ray ordered the drinks and we started discussing the things. The meeting was going well. After drinks and snacks. We have also ordered the dinner. 

Suddenly I felt something on my thighs. I froze on the spot. Words got stuck in my mouth. My heart was beating very fast.  Holding my breath I saw under the table and  My eyes got wide by the view.  

I was Mr. Layman's hand and he was making circles on my bare thigh with his fingers. I felt burning sensation and tingles all over my body. 

Clients were looking at me very confused. 

"Are you ok? You look so pale all of a sudden." Ray asked me looking concerned. 

"I am fine."  I forced smile on my face. I tried to remove his hands but he tightened the grip . He was touching me with so much ease that my whole body was on fire.I looked at him. He was looking very normal and was talking to the clients.His hands started going under my skirt. I started boiling from anger and disgust. I put my hands on his hands trying to stop him.  But all of a sudden took my hand in his hand and tangled his fingers with mine and press my hand like we are some deeply in love couple.I looked at him confused and he smiled without looking at me. 

After that , Our hands remain like that and hand started become wet due to the temperature rise in our body. I tried removing my hands sometimes but he tightened the grip all the times. Dinner was over now and I haven't ate much after that hand session.

Hi Guys!!!!.. This one is small one. I am busy  in my office. But I promise you to upload a big and intresting chapter. Please read, Comment and Vote.

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