Welcome To The Family

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After we left the hospital we drove for a long time. When we were deep in the canyon.
"Where are we goin?" I asked from my seat between the two.
"The cave," he said. We were all quiet after that for a long time. We arrived at a cave and Mac, threw the truck in to park and we got up. I clung to Mac, as we walked inside the cave.
"Mac show her how ya cook it," Walter said as he went to do something else. I fallowed Mac.
"What are we cooking?" I asked. He looked at me.
"Meth, ya wanted to be with me so this is what it takes," Mac told me. I smiled at him.
"Anything for you baby," I smiled. He handed me a gas mask and I fallowed him around watching everything he did, very closely. First he showed me the ingredients. I wasn't allowed to write anything down so I had to remember everything. I did my best and when it was done. Mac pulled me close to him.
"That's it for taday, come on," he growled pulling me back to his truck. My eyes kinda burned as the sun hit them, but after I was put in the truck, by Mac. I slid over to the middle as he climbed in. He looked at me but said nothing. I rested my head on him as he drove.
"Ya alright girl?" He asked me after a while. I nodded, but said nothing. It was nice to be this close to him. I didn't care about the past, that was over, it was the here and now I cared about.
"Ok, here," Mac said after a while. I hadn't fallen asleep but I didn't wanna move from Mac either. I took a minute then I opened my eye's to see we were at Mac's house or our house, I didn't know what to call it.
We went in and he took me straight to the bathroom. He pulled my clothes off me roughly and I helped him with his. It was a tangled mess of arms and legs as we got into the shower. He kissed me hard until I knew my lips were bruised. I whimpered out as he grabbed roughly at my breast.
"You love it girl," he growled. I nodded as nodded."Say it girl!" he growled as he went down to my breast and took one in his mouth, nipping down hard and making me cry out with want and pain. He smiled against my breast and flicked it with his tongue as he licked and sucked at it.
"Mac!" I cried out wanting him in me at that moment. He waisted no time, reading my mind. He stood and turned me around bending me over and slamming in to me, grabbing a fist full of my hair.
"Yes!" I cried out with the first slam in to me and threw the blinding pase he kept up. When he finished burring himself balls deep in me as he let himself go and exploded inside me. He slapped my ass before he pulled me up and kissed me hard.
"Such a good fuckin bitch," he said as he grabbed the soap and washed himself up and his hair and got out. I then did mine and got out after him. He threw me a towel and dried myself off. He then pulled me threw the house and took me to my room. I looked up at him, waiting on my next instructions.
"Get ur clothes girl," he told me, I did as I was told and returned to his side. He pulled me to his room taking my clothes from me and putting them on top of his dresser. He came back and took my towel off me and pushed me on the bed, droping his towel on the way on top of me. He kissed at my lips again and grabbed at my breasts. I moaned against his lips as he pinched at my hard nipples he smiled and slid his hand slowly, teasing me, down my body. I pulled away from our kiss.
"Mac!" I yelled at him as two large fingers pushed in to me and made me moan out.
"So fuckin wet already!" He growled at me as he worked my center, two fingers burried deep inside me and his thumb working my nub. I was so worked up at this point.
"Fuck me baby, please fuck me!" I begged for him he smiled pulling his fingers free of my center and licking them clean. He then started teasing me with the tip of his dick as.
"Mac, baby just fuck me! Hard!" I begged him he kissed down my neck and then found one of my breast and took it between his teeth as he bit my nipple and slammed in to me at the same time. I cried out in in so much pleasure I thought I would cum that second, but I controlled my self as he slammed in to me time and time again. He stopped sucking on my breast and looked up to me as he could feel me waiting to go over the edge.
"Ok girl!" he growled as he crashed his lips on to mine and we reached our climax and road it out together. Mac laid on me a moment catching his breath the stood and got on his clothes. I did the same and sat on the bed awaiting further instructions. He turned to look. He smiled his crooked smile when he found me waiting and came and kissed me again.
"Come on!" he said after a minute and pulled me up. We walked back to my room and he stopped.
"Ya need shoes," he told me as I went and got them. He then put on his boots and lead me out to the truck. I got in and slid over to the middle.
"Can't fuckin get enough, can ya?" Mac asked with his crooked smile. I shook my head no and he started the truck and we drove off.
"Where are we going?" I asked him. He didn't look at me keeping his eye's on the road.
"You are goin to see your parents, I got some shit to do," he informed me. I frowned, I didn't want to be away from him.
"Am I allowed to protest?" I asked him.
"No," he told me. I frowned more.
"Fine!" I was mad. We made it to my parents and I looked at him he kissed my lips hard.
"Be back in a while for ya, best not fuckin make me wait though!" he growled as he slapped my ass as I got out of thr truck with a smile. My father was the first out the door as he ran to me hugging me like he thought he'd never see me again, or I was a ghost.
"What's goin on?" he asked nodding tward Mac's truck that had peeled out of the drive way.
"He told me I had to come visit," I smiled at my dad wishing he'd see Mac as a good man.
"Huh," was all he said as he led me inside. We made our way in as my mother ran to me and hugged me with a death grip.
"Stephy, what brought you here?" she asked "Not that we aren't happy to see ya," she added. I smiled and was about to answer when my father did for me.
"Mac, dropped her off," he said. My mother looked at me to him, I smiled happily and it was left at that.
"We were just about to eat ya hungry baby?" she asked me. I shook my head but she inaited I eat. The visit went by farly fast and we didn't talk much about Mac. My parents hinted in asking me if I was happy where I was and I assured them I was. Then I heard Mac's horn. It was about two hours witch was about all I could take as I jumped up.
"That him?" My father asked.
"Yep," I smiled. Waving to him out the window letting him know I was on my way.
"You always jump when he says to?" My father questioned me again.
"Dad, I love him," I said lowly. My dad was about to fip when my mom stepped in.
"I love ya baby, don't keep him waiting, all men get pissy when they have to wait," she laughed and hugged and kissed me good bye. My father did the same dispite the fact he wanted to go kill Mac, and I ran to the truck.
"I'm sorry baby," I apologies as I opend the door. He said nothing and we peeled out.
"Have fun?" he asked after the house was out of sight. I looked at him.
"I had a good time, but I missed you!" I said as I tried to slide over to him. I looked down to see a pizza sitting between us. I looked up at him questioning, but he said nothing. I watched his face. He was thinking about something thinking really hard. I stayed quiet, whatever he was thinking about, I didn't want to interupt. We made it to the house and I went to grabb the pizza but he had it and was at the frount of the truck waiting on me. I quickly got out ans shut the door and rushed to his side. He walked in still not saying a word. I walked in behind him and stood waiting for him to tell me what to do next. He didnt say anything as he staired at the pizza box. I moved to get him a plate and a drink. The small movement must have interupted his thoughts because he pulled me against him. My back flat to his chest, I stayed still and waited.
"You drive me insane! Ya fuck with my mind!" Mac panted in to my ear. And kissed at my neck, slowly. He then turned me around and grabbed my hips and pulled me in to him. All of it slow and the kiss even slower. I could tell he was fighting himself to stay slow and sweet with me. Athough I didn't understand why. We parted and he licked his lips. I smiled knowing my baby was happy. He turned to the table. I watched his body. Not what he was doing.
"Here," he pushed flowers at me akwardly. I looked at them they were alive, that was a start, but they were also Japanese lillies, my most favorite flower. A huge smile broke accrost my face, and I pulled him in to a hug.
"Baby!" I gushed. Pulling back enough to claim his lips. We parted and he smiled. The cutest most akward little smile. I smiled more knowing he was happy I liked them
"I...." he stoped looing down. "I just wanted........" another pause. "Sorry," he said with a clenched gaw. "I love ya," he said even more faint. I smiled at him.
"I love you too baby!" i cried. He looked at me.
"How? I fucked up!" he gorwled. I looked at him.
"You got scared baby, it was the only way you knew how to deal with it," I smiled leaning my forhead against him. He looked at me, leaning his head on mine .
"It's not right! Shouldn't wanna fuckin kill ya, if I love you!" he said more annoyed with himself. I smiled up at him.
"You ever been in love before?" I asked him. He looked back at me hard.
"No, just you, it's always been you," Mac growled as he pulled my hips in to his and leaned in and kissed me slowly again. He licked at my bottom lip asking for entrante to my mouth, insted of just crashing in like usual. His tongue played with mine gently making me moan at how slow and sweet it was. He pulled away and smiled.
"Let's eat," he whispired as he let go of me and got out plates. He opend the box and pulled out a few slices of pizza and put them on a plate and handed it to me. Then did the same to his. He didn't pick his from the oposit side of the box or anything, just the two beside the two he picked out for me. I was still leery, he had tried to kill me, and even though I tried to tell myself it was in the past it was hard. My brain still kept nagging me. Mac had gotten some drinks and was looking at me funny, as he called my name bringing me back to him.
"What?" he asked me. I shook my head clearing it of my insane thoughts.
"Nothing," I said taking my drink from him as he walked in to the living room. I sat down as he set his plate on the coffe table and moved to do something with the tv. I eyed his plate, maybe while he was busy I could switch them, but what if I got cough? What if thats exactly what he wanted me to do? I sighed my head spinning and I handn't even consumed anything but air. I looked up to see Mac looking at me. His face twisted in to confusion.
"The fucks your issue tanight?" he barked. I bitt my plump bottom lip.
"Nothing baby!" I lied trying to sound cheerful. Mac came over and sat down, aparently done with whatever he had been doing. He looked at me hard.
"Pick up your plate," he told me I did as I was told. He picked up his plate to. "Ok now I'm gonna close my eyes and you pick on peice to switch, I can tell ya still don't trust me. I looked at him. I flet like a jerk.
"Yes I Do baby!" I cried tring to wash away my guilt. He silenced me with a finger to my lips.
"Do as I say!" he ordered as he closed his eyes I pretende to witch two peices but I felt guilty and left mine on my palte.
"Ok," I whispired. Mac opend his eyes I could tell his piacentes was wearing thin with me but he didn't strike me. He did however get really close.
"You didn't listen to me did you?" he asked calmy. I wanted to say yes, but I knew he already knew the answer.
"No master,"I said lowly looking down.
"Look at me!" he comanded but didn't raise his voice. I looked up to see his vains poping and it was taking a great amout of strenth for him not to just get angry and slap me around.
"No, Master I'm sorry," I said lowly looking at him. Mac twisted his face again and took the peices I had pretende to switch and switch them. He then looked up at me.
"No more of that "Master" shit either, ya got it?!" he growled.
"Yes sir," I answered. He shook his head.
"No!" he growled.
"Sorry baby," my eyes looked at him.
"There, that stupid fuckin nickname, but you best not fuckin use it outside this house!" he barked I smiled. "Now fuckin come over her and do that cuddlin shit! I got ya a fuckin chick flick and your ass better like it!" he growled. I smiled up at him from my new position resting lazily against him.
"I fuckin love you!" I told him as i kissed his cheek. He cocked a cocky smile and started the movie. We watched "P.S. I Love You" well I did Mac passed out, but I finished the movie, already seeing it a couple times, but it was the tought that counted. When the movie finished I took Macs plate that rested on his lap and got up.
"Where the fuck you goin?" He growled groggily. I turned to look at him, god he was sexy when he just woke up.
"I was gonna wash up our plates and put the pizza away. He streched and motioned me back beside him. I did as I was told.
"Put them down," he pointed ti the coffee table, I did. He pulled me back to him resting my head on his chest. I layed there a long time. Just listeing to his breathing and I swore he fell back to sleep. Then he leaned in and kissed my cheek tender and slow like he had been all night. I turned my head and he claimed my lips. Still staying slow and sweet with his kiss. His hand slowly snakd down my body. I moaned out at his slow touch and he broke away panting.
"You wanna go to the other room?" Mac breathed. I nodded. He picked me up bride stile and carried me to his room. His slow sweet kisses sending electric sparks threw me as he gently layed me down on the bed. He pulled away and looked at me with sloft eyes.
"Gonna show you how much I love you!" he panted and kissed at my neck sweetly and pawed at my shirt. I tried to help him but he wouldn't let me. Pushing my hands away.
"Just lay there and enjoy it!" he said threw clenched teeth. I did as I was told letting him love my body sweetly and strip me of my clothes. When he was done he looked down at me.
"Ok girl, your turn, ya get ta be in control, for a bit,"He said with a smile, as he moved off of me and layed down. I sat up and moved my way up his body. Not sure what I was doing at all. He smiled up at me with tender eyes. Helping me with his own hands slide under his shirt and letting me feel his bear chest. I was more confedent as I felt up his chest and he layed there letting me as I unddid his flannel shirt and he sat up to discard it. I claimed his lips as I worked on his belt and pants and with his help slid them done. Our kiss broke we were out of breath and I looked him up and down. With out thinking my hands ran all over his body feeling every inch of him I could. The taking his throbbing rock hard length in my hads feeling it. Stroking it. He growled.
"That's enough!" he growled threw clenched teeth as he pulled me back up to the pillows and layed me down gently. Mac kissed my lips sweetly and tenderly, but it was too short as he make his way down my body kissing me and gently feeling me with his hands. I loved evey second of his sweet treatment, but my body yerned for his wroughness.
"Mac, baby!" I panted as I felt him lick gently at my brest and rub slow circles around my nub. He stopped his living on my brest and came to my face.
"No, I'm gonna love you, like only I can!" he growled. I nodded knowing this was just one of his games, and soon his eyes would turn lethal and he woud fuck me like the dirty whore I am, I hopped. He slowly and tenderly pushed in to me with one finger working me up more, then two, then three. He made his way to my ear working me slowly.
"So fuckin beautiful! So fuckin perfect," he whispired in to my ear. I ate up his words like candy as I felt my center begging for me to let it go. "Its ok girl, let it go come for me," Mac whispired and kissed my lips. I came with just one action as I moned in to our kiss. He pulled away and looked at me. Taking his fingers from my center and sucking them clean. As I watched breathless, he then kissed my lips so I could tast myslef.
"I love you," he whispered against my lips as My hooded eyes begged for sleep. "No!" he grolwed. "Stay awake," he ordered. My eyes opend, but stayed hooded with my post orgasm. He kissed me again and then down to my neck finding my sweet spot. His hands worked at my brest slow and sweet, when he had finished with my neck, Mac moved down to my breat kissing and licking at them, but that didn't seem to be his prize he was after. He kissed down my stomach and my hips and the inside of my thights. I moaned lowdly when I felt his ot breath on my center.
"Mac!" I moaned out. I smiled up at me.
"That's right girl. Fuckin love it when you say my name!" he growled as he went down and licked the length of my center slowly. I cried out again as he licked and sucked at me until I gave up another orgasms. As he licked me clean.
"Ya tast so fuckin good," Mac said as he kissed me and snaked his hand around my body working me up again.. I pulled out of our kiss.
"Mac baby! I can't!" I cried. He smiled at me.
"Ya feel like ya have ta piss?" he asked. I nodded "Good, be the best one yet!" he smiler working my body up quickly. He slid in to me slowly teasing me the whole time letting ajust to him little by little. I wanted to protest, but I was kinda enjoying myself. As he pushed in all the way and waited for me to ajust as he started a slow steady pase letting me wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He rolled me all over that bed loving and kissing on my body. Untill my breathing became ragged.
"Mac!" I cried out close to my releese.
"Go ahead, baby girl," He broke from kissing my neck to give me the ok. Mac claimed my lips as my inner walls pushed him out of me and I cried out in to our kiss having the most mind blowling orgasam ever. He smiled down at me as he entered me again and started working me again to get his own releese. I came again just as he came and finished together. He rolled off of me and panted beside me.
"Enjoy yourself?" he asked. I nodded as I pulled my way to his chest to rest my head. "No don't be getting comfortable now you ain't stayin!" he gowled.
"Just a second?" I pleaded from my place on his chest.
"Fine," he said lowly and the second was all I needed as I driffted away to dream land.

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