chapter 12

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Lauren is awoken the next morning by something bouncing off of her head. She stirs awake, scanning the room and realizing she's no longer on the bed. Dinah must have pushed her off in the middle of the night.


The green eyed girl furrows her eyebrows together and pushes her torso off of the floor, looking around the room. Her eyes land on Camila, who is sitting on the edge of the bed with a balled up piece of notebook paper in her hands.

"Finally," the girl rolls her eyes, tossing the notebook aside. "Get up. We're going out."

"What?" Lauren sits up, running a hand through her tousled hair and raising an eyebrow at the girl across the room. "Going where? What time is it?"

"Early," Camila nods, dismissing her questions. "I need your help with something."

Lauren can't help but laugh. "My help? I thought you didn't want anything to do with me?"

"Ariana's too cautious and Dinah's too bossy," Camila glances to the girl asleep beside her. "I didn't really have a choice."

"Well I'm flattered," Lauren laughs sarcastically, shaking her head and pushing herself up to her feet. "But I'm going to have to politely decline. Whatever you're doing will have to wait until one of them wakes up." She makes her way over to the dresser, searching for a change of clothes.

"Fine," Camila huffs, holding her chin up. "I'll do it myself then."

"Go right ahead," Lauren forces herself to keep her eyes on the dresser. "Since you obviously don't need anyone's help for anything."

There's no reply and Lauren smiles triumphantly. Just as she snatches her favorite black shirt from underneath her clothes, there's an 'oof' from behind her, followed by the sound of something toppling over.

When she turns around, she realizes that something is actually a someone. Camila is lying on the ground, clutching her ankle once more.

"Dinah told you it was going to hurt," Lauren deadpans, standing in front of the girl and crossing her arms. Camila glares up at her, her eyebrows curved into a frustrated frown.

"I just tripped," she snaps back. Lauren knows better than to believe her, and she's proven right when Camila tries to push herself up back to her feet and falls flat on her butt once more.

"Not as independent as we thought, are we?" Lauren raises an eyebrow, feeling somewhat guilty for getting joy out of this. Camila just rolls her eyes and looks at Lauren expectantly.

"Oh, so now you want help?" Lauren laughs and shakes her head. "First you have to ask nicely."

Camila glares at her.

"Whenever you're ready," Lauren shrugs, grabbing her clothes and strolling into the bathroom. "I'll be here all day." The bathroom door shuts forcefully behind her.

Seven minutes later (not that Camila is counting or anything), Lauren reemerges from the bathroom in black leggings and the same burgundy letterman jacket that she seems to wear all the time. Camila sighs heavily.

"Need anything?" Lauren smirks, standing in front of the girl and raising an eyebrow. The smaller girl beneath her rolls her eyes and holds out her hand.

"What's that?" Lauren tilts her head to the side. "I can't hear you?"

"Can you please just help me off of this fucking floor!" Camila snaps, whisper-yelling at the older girl.

"Good enough," Lauren shrugs, grabbing her hand and pulling her up to her feet. Camila nearly falls over once more and Lauren quickly moves to put an arm around the girl's waist, keeping her steady.

phoenix academy for extraordinary girls (camren/norminah) ➸ unfinished ficWhere stories live. Discover now