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Please give this story a try, it's my first one and this is only the prologue! :-)


I was always the girl smiling and laughing.

I was always the girl who was helping others.

I was the girl who helped put smiles on others faces.

I was the girl who took life has it came.

I was the girl who believed that everything happened for a reason.

I was the girl who loved her life.

I was the girl who thought her life was perfect.

But now I am the girl who’s smile is missing.

Who’s face is constantly set in stone.

Who pushed her friends away.

I am now the girl who feels like something is missing.

Who feels like she isn't whole any more.

Who has changed completely.

Who believes nothing she used to believe.

Who isn't the same.

My name is Avery and I am the girl who's lost more things then thought possible by herself.

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