Chapter 1

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Are vampires good or bad? A year and a half ago I would've have said good, but a lot can change. Vampires are selfish creatures who only care about themselves and their urge to feed. One might think there has to be a few non-killers, trust me, there's not. Life isn't all Edward and Bella.

My name is Hadley Rose Marquette and I come from a long line of vampire hunters. I was raised to see vampires as evil killers and I did until I was 16. That's when on a mission, I met the Carpe Diem clan. Carpe Diem means seize the day in Latin. Anyway, when my elder sister Briselle and I went into their hideout we noticed something unusual. When we met with the vamps, instead of attacking us like the usuals, they offered us hospitality. Bri and I thought we were being lured into a trap but we were not. We secretly befriended that clan without telling our parents, risking our jobs and safety.

I was a little wary at first, but my sister always wanted to find the best in people and in a way she did. One of the clan leader's son, Ky, took an interest in Briselle and vice versa. They quickly fell in love, which was a mistake.


"Hadley! Get down here and to go to school!" My mother's voice resonated upstairs. I quickly pull on my red and gray plaid skirt. Huffing, I trudge downstairs to see my mother and father practically glaring at me.

"Why do I have to back there? I've handled the real world already," I mutter, not wanting to face them.

"You skipped your junior year last year to be with your sister, you have to finish schooling if you want to be a legitimate hunter, don't mess this up again like you did everything else," my father spits back to me.

Shaking my head with a non-believing smile I walk out the door straight towards Hell.
I pull up to Evanon Academy and already I see the other students' stare as they recognize my black car. Getting out of the car, I can feel the high tension in the air. As I make my way to the front doors, my mind focuses on nothing, everyone becoming a blur.

Ignoring the world, I make my way to Lamia History III, better known as Vampire History. I sit down in the very back of the classroom when I actually comprehend a person.

"So tragic about your sister, it's a pity you had to come back." Sneers a voice. I glance up to see a younger vampire hunter, who is a junior, Tiffany Jonsteen.

Lately I've been having a short temper, and in instant, being the fast badass hunter I am, my face is up to Tiffany's. Finally, I saw some fright in her eyes and that's when a threat leaves my mouth before I can think.

"If you say one thing about my sister," I whisper slowly, "I'll make sure you never become a hunter. Got it?"

Fear slowly leaves Tiffany and her wannabes and she gives me a curt nod, sauntering away. I glance around the room to see most of the students staring at me, the "befriender" of vampires, the dropout. My anger still sizzling, I plop back down only to be greeted by another unwanted party.

"Marquette, fancy seeing you here," a familiar guy's voice says. I turn to the voice and to my surprise (not), it's Donovan, a kid from my grade who was the class troublemaker and signature "thinks he's God on Earth" kind of guy. His light brown hair falls into his eyes, giving him the "hot" brooding look all the underclassmen love. He must've been held back from this class, because from what I can remember, he failed practically every subject. Except Fight Against Vampire Essentials, or FAVE. Knowing we are the only seniors in the class, I give Donovan my signature curt not and then I turn my focus to the teacher who just entered to start class.


When it finally got to lunch time I headed towards the secluded library but then figured that I might as well face everyone now rather than later. Although the hallways are mainly empty, I feel like someone is watching me. Paranoid, I grip my knife from inside my purse, keeping it hidden.
As soon as I get to the lunch courtyard I realize I had nothing to worry about. Evanon is safe. I used to never be such a scaredy cat, but now I always seem to be on the edge of my seat.
Oh look, more people staring, surprise surprise. Not wanting to look like a total loner I glance around for a familiar face.
"Not sure where to sit?" A nasally voice asks me.
"No Tiffany, I was looking around for the table that you were at so I didn't accidentally sit there." I reply sweetly. Not wanting to deal with her, I push past her to sit with some familiar faces.
Seeing some of my close friends, I go over to them, even though I haven't spoken to them in server all months.
"Hey Harlow, Natasha, Quinn." I say, nodding my head in greeting. They smile at me when my best friend Harlow gets up to give me a hug.
"Hey girl I missed you! I'm so glad your back!"
"Me too", I say sitting down, feeling a little more relaxed, "Anything new?"
"Not really, just Veronica is being extra nice lately which is oddly suspicious..." Natasha tells me with a sly grin. I internally groan. Now I have her AND Tiffany to deal with. Veronica is Tiffany's older sister and just as bratty.
I see Harlow and Quinn give each other looks.
"That's not true, Natasha is now dating Donovan Platte and we've never seen her so happy." I raise my eyebrows at that comment. Just last year Nat hated his guts and now suddenly they're dating? He may be kind of attractive, but his ego knocks him a few inches off of his pedestal.
"Don't judge me, Hadley Rose. A lot has changed since you've been running rampage with vamps." Natasha fires unexpectedly.
I glance at her, startled as do the rest of my friends. Nat is usually the level headed calm one while Harlow is the opinionated firecracker. I guess a lot has really changed. Nobody is who they were only a six months ago. Nat recoils slightly, yet it seems like she doesn't regret her comment. "Sorry, I'm just a little tense for school." I nod reluctantly, locking eyes with her before making more small talk with Quinn and Harlow. Why is she acting different? What changed her?

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