Kiba x reader.. Part 7

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After Kiba left, Ino, Sakura, Sai, Naruto, and Neji met up with him. "Is ___ okay?" Neji asked Kiba. "Yes she is feeling better." "How do you know how she was doing?" Ino asked curiously. "Uh, cause Kakashi told me to go to her house and make sure she was okay for a few minutes." Kiba said nervously. "Uh huh. Okay," Sakura said going to whisper to Ino. "I read in a book, when a guy goes to check on a girl that means he has deep feelings for her. And he wants to be with her a lot," said Sai. "Well books aren't always right you know," Naruto said. "We heard she was attacked by ninja when you were there. Why didn't you not save her?" Ino asked. "She told me she was going to do it on her own. And it's non of your business." He growled at all of them before turning around. "Come on Kiba," Ino said putting her arm around his. She has had a crush on him for a while. "Hmp." He huffed to her. "Come on look at me. You know you want to. I mean don't you like me?" Ino whispered in his ear. 'Oh my god.' He thought to himself. "Eh I-" he was cut off by Ino kissing his lips. Everyone gasped. Kiba pushed her away lightly, as spit made a line in the air. It had connected their kiss. He wiped it off his mouth.
    "Oh Kiba you are such a tease." "Go away." "Kiba!" He turned around. "You're annoying." It was just like how Sasuke told Sakura that day. Kiba spit on the ground. Kiba got on Akamaru and they left.
    "I have to get up." I said getting out of my bed. "Least I feel better." I felt a hand cover my mouth. I tried to squirm. "Shut up or die." It was a slithery voice. Something hit my head and I found myself waking up in Orochimaru's lab. "What the hell is this?" I said as my hands were tied. I saw Orochimaru come up to me with a syringe. "When do I take these blindfolds off?!" I heard a voice say. "Sasuke, go away." "Sasuke? It's me ___!" I released the tie and ran to Sasuke. "What are you doing here ___?" He said as I grabbed his hand. "He captured me, please help me." "I can't do that, but Orochimaru I want her to be my training partner." "Oh no, Kabuto is having her." I saw a white haired boy about my age came out of the shadows. "Is it because of the relationship you have with this woman?" Kabuto asked Sasuke. "No I just need a partner. And I'm not taking Karin!" Sasuke yelled. Orochimaru grabbed me and threw me to Kabuto. He grabbed my wrists tightly. "You are with me now." "Screw off four eyes." I said not caring what they would do to me.
    "You think your friends are coming for you?" "I have no idea, but I wouldn't tell you if I knew." I told Orochimaru. Then I found myself in a dim room. Kabuto came in and sat beside me on the bed. "Get the hell away from me." I told him gritting my teeth. "I won't do anything to make you do something you don't want to I promise," I felt Kabuto's hand on my face. "Ew," I said scooting farther away. He kissed my neck and gave me bruises every time he came into the room. I didn't get water or food for 2 days. I was feeling weak. "Kabuto, will you take me outside. You told me you loved me, so please do that for me at least." I asked. "If you try to run away I will hurt you." I nodded my head. We would go out in one day he said.

Woah who knew Kabuto was that bad? We'll find out in the next chapter...mwhahahahha! hem, anyways thanks for reading! More to come

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