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We made it to room 99. We were all exhausted about the fight. It was the longest room we've been in. Everything was dark so it was hard to see as well. We made it. The boss was really hard to defeat. It was a giant and it had chains on it. It could also teleport to different parts of the room without hesitation.

We all were transported very violently to another dark room once we defeated the boss. All of our weapons fell down on the transition, so we didn't have anything to protect us.

We all looked around the mysterious room looking for some something that we could fight with.


We heard Skylar's sweet voice calling out for Tom. We all turned around and we saw Sky getting close to a guy. He's probably her deceased boyfriend....

"Hey Sky.... I'm back."

Sky threw herself on Tom and she started to cry very hard. Tom let out a single tear.

"Help me..." Tom said paralyzed. Suddenly, he started to become a pallid statue with a face of horror. Sky quickly faced Tom and she started to touch him and shake him around.

"No... NO! Tom please wake up! PLEASE! God dammit..." Sky let herself fall down to Tom's feet.

"SKY WATCH OUT!" Jonny screamed.

The statue disappeared and we could see a shadow of a man. It was black and red and his eyes were white as well as his long eerie smile.

"Soooooo.... I see that you finally made it to room 100 eh?" his voice was deep but there were times that it went very high. His voice was also very rough as if he was about to die.

We were all in shock. We didn't know what the fuck was going on.

"Hahahhahaha! I AM THE LORD KROGRART! I see that you are impressed by my figure huh? Hahahhah"

He walked slowly towards me and he caressed my cheek. I started to whimper a little.

"Don't touch her!" Mark screamed as he started to run towards Krogrart. He lifted his other hand to where Mark was and Mark started to choke.

"No... P-please leave him alone" I said whimpering.

"If you say so..." he let him go. Mark started to cough and gag on the floor.

"Oh come on.... There are four of you and none will encounter me to a fight? Hah! You are so lame" Krogrart said.

"GRAAAAHHHHHH!" Jonny screamed as he started to run towards Krogrart to punch him.

He just lifted an arm and Jonny fell to the ground unconscious. Sky was still on the ground sobbing. Krogrart turned to see her get up and she walked slowly but with an anger that you wouldn't imagine.

"Give me back my Tom." Sky said angry.

"Ooohhh, you miss him?" he answered. He let go of me and he walked towards Sky.

"Who was it that came back? Whom did I see die in front of me?!" She said frustrated.

"Oh that? Just a dummy I made of him. He's been trapped here ever since. You know, when the Raven Mocker bit him and he disappeared, I took him with me and made him my slave."

"What have you done with him?" I asked with anger in my voice.

"Victoria.... Stop.... It's not worth fighting..." Mark said between breaths.

"You little—" Sky said as she ran but I stopped her.

"Stay back." I said.

"No...." Mark said.

"What exactly are you trying to do Victoria?" Krogrart was starting to talk in a sarcastic way and I definitely did not like it at all.

Without having seconds thoughts, I barricaded myself into him, and I actually entered him. I ended up in some sort of weird dimension where everything was dark and red. I walked and kept walking until I found a shining purple light.

"The orb!" I suddenly remembered the orb I picked up in one of the first rooms. Luckily, it was small enough and I still had it in my pocket.

I took it out and they both started to shine brightly. Everything started to shake and I dropped the orb. I followed it until I had it in my hands again. I ran towards the light and I let the orb fall down in it.

Then, everything stood still. I couldn't move a muscle. I could see that the orb was starting to make a pulsating movement, and it exploded.

"GAAAAAHHHH!!" I heard in the distance the cry of pain of Krogrart getting defeated.

I suddenly was spurted out from his body. I flew out to the other side of the room just to see Mark and Jonny standing filled with bruises. They quickly turned around to see me lying on the floor panting.

"Oh my god Victoria! You're okay...." Mark said as he hugged me.

"Damn" Jonny said grabbing his hair.

I sat up and I saw Sky approaching Tom's statue. The statue has seemed to appear again after Krogrart exploded. She held out her hand to caress his cheek. She lowered her head with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I love you Tom. And I'll never ever forget you." She said sobbing.

I stood up to comfort her but.... Then I heard Sky let out a big gasp.

"I love you too baby. And don't ever forget that I'll always find a way to see you again." Tom had become normal again and he hugged and kissed Sky with a lot of love.               

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