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for the rest of the day, hoseok hid in the back, pretending to be busy cleaning dishes or cleaning something else so he wouldn't have to leave the calm bubble he had formed around him and his now settled nerves. even though he was eventually forced to come out of the hiding and see if anyone was still working because it was so late by now. and he thought that yoongi would be gone by now too.

hoseok glimpsed a clock above the stove, and was surprised at what time it was. 9:55 pm. he looked around, searching for any other employees. there were none. he was suddenly startled by the one person near the front, yet was quickly relieved for once to see the one remaining person, his manager. he didn't like being alone.

"hoseok." his manager called out to him. the woman's voice wasn't as demanding as it had been earlier. "it's almost closing time. go tell that one customer out there he should leave."

hoseok arched his eyebrows, surprised, "there's still someone here?"

"i tried telling him to leave, but he said he was waiting for someone." his manger grumbled irritably. "after he leaves, you leave as well."

hoseok gulped, wondering if the one that came to mind was actually still out there. he nodded to his manager and went to the serving area, wanting to see who exactly was causing his manager some difficulty.

when he saw who it was, he had to bite his lip to keep himself from groaning. he figured it was him.

hoseok walked up to the familiar man and sighed, "it's almost closing time. what are you still doing here?"

yoongi looked up, taking a small sip from his drink he had refilled earlier in the hour. "i'm walking you home." he stated.

hoseok sighed for the second time. "you don't have to, you know. i can get home by myself."

yoongi set his drink down, "but i am anyways."

hoseok gave up. he would have to deal with the gray-haired man one way or another. he would have to be around him for however long fate deemed it necessary.

he went to the back and slipped his apron over his head and pulled on his black hoodie. he grabbed his things and left while bidding a small farewell to his grumbling manager who seemed glad to have yoongi finally gone from the shop.

he caught yoongi's eye as he walked towards the door. grunting he walked straight past him and out the door into the cold night air. yoongi hurried after him, catching up with an impatient huff.

there was silence between the two. it was a comfortable silence, but hoseok wasn't one who could silence of the quiet.

"what the hell." hoseok said to no one in particular, but directed at yoongi.

the older broke out into a fit of laughter, "w-what?" he managed to get out of his mouth despite his reluctant laughter.

"what the hell were you trying to do back there?" hoseok asked, a small blush dusting his cheeks.

yoongi smiled at him, and dodged the question, "ah, i just can't get enough of you." he breathed out. "you're too adorable."

hoseoks blush darkened like it had before, but not too much as to be a dark red. he smiled slightly, glancing at yoongi as they walked side by side. the tips of their shoulders brushed briefly, sending shivers down both yoongi and hoseoks spine. hoseok was the first to react with a faint gasp of air though.

sooner then they would have liked, or even cared to admit that they were disappointed in the short walk, yoongi and hoseok arrived at hoseoks house, smiling awkwardly at each other.

hoseok glanced across yoongi's face, taking in his features. his gummy smile, his pale skin that was slightly pink due to the cold, and the soft breathes that fanned hoseoks cheeks because of the narrow entry way.

yoongi reached out and patted hoseoks shoulder gently, turning to step off of the small porch. but hoseok quickly reached out and stopped him from taking another step forward.

"thanks for walking me home." he murmured quietly. he didn't know why but he did feel safer around yoongi whenever he was with him. maybe it was because he had protected him from wonwoo, but he just felt a lot better around him in general.

"no problem, hoseok." yoongi smiled at him, and left with a small wave in his direction, which sent hoseok's heart racing.

//diddle diddle purple dickies

wait wtf

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