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You smiled happily as you were getting ready for the biggest festivalof the year, your boss had been telling you that you should try toget friends and you sighed. You know that the Allies had beeninterested in your customs so you picked up your phone to call themand ask them if they would like to come.

They had agreed, seemingly happy and though not all of themcelebrated Halloween they agreed to come see how you were going tocelebrate it. Alfred laughing and telling you that you wouldn't beable to scare him and you wondered what kind of celebration did hehave in America?

On October 31st they arrived on a boat and you were thereready to greet them as they were guests and to your culture guestswere very important to honor them. You wore a orange clinging skirtthat reached to yoru knees with a slit to your mid thigh and a tankwith black see threw skirt that went to yoru ankles and had a slit inthe front of each leg all the way to right below your skirt. You alsohad a shirt over it as well that had sleeves all the way down tobaseball sleeves. Your hair was pulled back and you were wearing amask that only covered your eyes that was in the pattern of yourflag. In your arms were six masks that had a pattern of each of theirflags.

"Ni ho! (Hello!)" You called to them offering all five of them amask and a pat on the head to Kumajirou.

"Hello love." Arthur answered as you walked with them leadingthem as they blushed slightly watching as your hips swayed with yourbum attached.

"So what is it this is about?" Ivan asked as you smiled at himwith a giggle spinning around slightly.

"It's about honoring the dead, the last harvest before winter, andit is the new year for us. It's to honor the earth goddess Terra andPan." You explained as you tugged your mask back into place. Youthen tugged them over to the festival with laugh, this was thebiggest festival of all of your festivals, everyone was inattendance. You had already done the harvest earlier that day and soyou didn't have to worry about that.

You smile as your favorite song started playing, "oh my god, thisis my song! Come here boy, I want to dance!" You said gripping ontoCanada's wrist, tugging him foreword since he was the closest to youat the moment.

"M-Maple!" Matthew let out a shocked gasp as you let out agiggle.

"Why do you say 'maple', Canada?" You asked as he blushedslightly.

"You can call me Matthew if you want, Romanli, and I say it likemaple syrup since it relaxes me." Matthew said as you smiledhappily at him.

"If that's the case you can call me Name, I don't like beingrefereed to as my country name anyway." You added as the otherswere pulled in. America was tugging a fuming England, Russia a shyChina, and France was dancing with Kumajirou.

"You can do it with us to, dudette!" America, or Alfred, saidwith a heroic laugh as you spun with Matthew, the shy Canadian surecould dance.

When you were done with dancing you moved to see the instruments youalways had been musically inclined playing the flute, lyre, violin,and piano. Ivan smiled his creepy smile which did not at all effectyou as you just didn't find it scary, if anything you thought he wasjust like a little boy to you and it was kind of cute.

"You teach me to play the violin?" Ivan asked as he had oftenadmired the wooden stringed instrument.

"Da. (Yes.)" You agreed handing him a spare violin as you blinkedsurprised as you realized he was too tall and you sighed. "Don'tfreak out." You added quickly climbing up so you had your chubbylegs wrapped around his waist, he was strong so you didn't worryabout hurting him. "I can't reach you otherwise." You added asyou set your hands over his own and helped him to hold it right. Theothers were a mixture of either 'I can't believe she just climbed upRussia's back' and 'I wish she had her legs wrapped around my waist'.

It was at that point that everyone decided to want to learn to playan instrument. A piano for Arthur, lyre for Yao, and flute forAlfred. You wanted so bad to make a joke about the revolutionary warand his flute and drum player. Why would anyonesend someone into battle with a flute or a drum? But you didn'tthink it was a good idea to bring up the revolutionary war to thepersonifications of America and England.

You showed the three how to do so doing your best as it was very hardto do. Much harder to teach than to learn how to do things and youwere not used to the physical contact you had to initiate to teachthe boys their instrument.

It was then that you taught Francis to draw impressionism, a verypopular art trend on the island right now. You showed him a trick youhad been showed about two decades ago to hold onto the paintbrush soit didn't' get paint on your hand and wrist.

You giggled happily as they seemed to be having fun. You enjoyed thatand you wondered if perhaps they'd like if you made them some butterysoul cakes.

Points to anyonewho can pick out the song lyric quote. I kind of rushed the teachingof the insturments since I have no idea how and my research onlyconfused me.

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