Jjinja? -Jungkook(Fluff)

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You changed into your sleeping clothes and wrapped your robe around yourself. You padded across the room, scooping up your math textbook to study for the upcoming  exams you would be taking in a couple weeks. Just as you were about to head downstairs to make yourself some hot chocolate, the front door opened, signaling that your boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook, had come home from a long day of training. Choosing to not go downstairs anymore, you settled yourself in bed and against your biggest desires, began studying. Stupid math. Worst subject ever. You were sure that the math section of the exam would probably screw you over. Totally engrossed in the math textbook, ou hadn't heard Jungkook  enter the bedroom  and snuggle up to you.

"Hey, babe." He leaned over to plant a kiss on your cheek, but you moved away unintentionally. Your reaction caused him to pout immensly.

"No 'Hello' kiss? Fine..." He got up and proceeded to sulk out of the room as you rolled your eyes. He knew you were studying. It wasn't your fault that he had such an easy time with school exams and  you were still in the process of getting ready for them. He knew you were sensitive about this particular subject. 

"Yah! I'm studying! Don't be like this, Jungkook!" You yelled after him. Ah whatever. Let him sulk like a baby. You were busy at the current moment, and you'd give him whatever he wanted afterword.  You must've spent overall 2 hours in bed, studying and going over every single math concept you knew before you turned out the light and was settling into bed before you realized that Jungkook still hadn't made it to bed with you. Jeez, You thought. I'm such a terrible girlfriend. Sighing, you scurried downstairs to find him passed out on the couch. You sat on the edge of the couch, smoothing away stray hairs from his perfect, sculpted, handsome face. A small smirk formed on his lips.

"Jagi...come to bed." Your voice sounded meek, and you had no idea why. Your felt perfectly fine. maybe it was the fact that that stupidly perfect smirk of his always sent butterflies in your stomach. He grunted and turned over so that his back was to you. Stupid idiot. He was pretending to sleep, he hadn't been sleeping at all. Damn it.

"Jagi, please," you murmed softly, pressing a kiss to his neck. Finally, he opened one of his eyes.

"So now you want me to come and cuddle you?" He spat, venom laced in his words. You were taken aback by his tone. He knew that you didn't mean to be so rude, he knew. So what was the problem?

"I-I..." You blushed, clearly unsure of what to say. "I'm sorry, Jungkook, I was studying. You knew that. Please don't get so worked up about it."

He sat up, pinning you down with a glare that made you feel sick. "You're unbelievable, Y/N." You didn't know what was happening, you were scared out of your mind. Was he really going to....? Suddenly, that glare turned into the sexy smirk you knew. Relief flooded your insides.

"Jagi, you didn't really think I'd be that mean to you, right?" Nonchalantly, he pulled you back down on the couch, gathering you in his arms as he did so. Your ears were so red, you were probably blushing. You had no idea. You were so confused.

"I...I really don't know, yeobo. That was so mean. Don't do that to me!" You cried, punching his arm lightly. He chuckled and kissed your neck. "I'm sorry." His kisses turned more desperate on your neck and your breath caught. "I just needed to see you get worked up about something. And I needed to get your mind off of your exam. We both know that you're going to get 110% on that stupid exam. So you really have nothing to worry about." 

You sighed, tangling your hands in his hair. "You're unbelievable, Jeon Jungkook. I really don't understand you." Your tone mocked his own. 

"Are you mocking me?" He murmured into your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. You smiled,biting your lip.

"No." Pushing your hair back, you looked up at the dark ceiling. "Why would I do that?" Your tone still mocked his. You wanted to see where this would go.

"You're totally mocking me." He left your neck for a minute, his dark brown eyes gazing into yours. "'Don't do that to me!'" He smirked as he  perfectly matched your tone from a couple minutes before.

"Yah!" You giggled, pulling him down for a kiss. Somehow that one, single kiss turned into a full on heated make out session. "How's that for a 'Hello' kiss, hm?" You murmured softly. He chuckled softly in return as his legs found their way in between your's, and you unintentionally let out a sigh of pleasure. His lips attached themselves to your neck again, occasionally leaving a small nip here and there. "Don't bring that back into context please, babe. I'm trying to have a moment here." He murmured into your neck.

"'You're unbelievable, Jeon Jungkook." You mocked him again, not wanting to obey his commands at all.

"Jjinja? Jjinja?" He smiled and pulled away from your neck again. "You really wanna play that game? We've been bantering all night long, and you still wanna go?" 

You smirked. "I'm a sore loser. What can I say." He pressed his lips to your's roughly before speaking again.

"You're seriously so unbelievable, Y/N. I don't understand you."



A/N; I haven't posted many stories here in a while, hey? I miss this. I'm sick in bed right now, so that's why I'm writing haha. I need requests, guys! I'm running out of ideas. Should I do a part 2 of this imagine? I'd probably go into more of the "smut" genre, but...idk. Let me know. 

And TheGoldenMaknae_, you're welcome. totally just decided to drop this bomb outta nowhere. Don't kill me. I love you, bestfrien.

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