Chapter 24

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Samantha's P.O.V



"Good Morning love..."I said while stretching.

Then I turned to face the wolf that I found last night.

Wait.. He's gone?
Where is he?

I just noticed that I had a blanket covering me...did love put this?

What time is it?!?
aaaaaaah!!! it's 8:30!!!!!!

Zack's P.O.V

I woke up with Sam in my arms...Mmmm this is amazing I could get used to this feeling. I sniffed her hair and I cuddled her more.

I love to hug her up. She's so perfect in my arms.

Wait arms?!?! sh*t! I'm naked!!!!!

I hurriedly got up...but sam immediately held her arms to's like she's yearning for my presence.

"She is so adorable,I want to stay with her"my wolf said

"I know but I'm naked!"I said

"Yeah you should've brought clothes you know"he said

"Yeah I should have"i said

"I better go now before I decide not to"i said

I went home and ate.
What would it be like if she was here with me.


I was laying in bed.

"" Sam said.

"hmmm?"I said.

She sat beside me and caressed my face.

"Love wake up,you'll be late for work"she said.

I pulled her to bed and cuddled her up,she was giggling.

"Hahahaha wake up"she said rolling us making her on top of me.

I openend my eyes and saw her smiling at me.

She pecked my lips and the tip of my nose.

"Wake up I made breakfast...get up okay? I'll just fix the table" She said kissing my lips and got up.

After a few minutes I got up and followed her. I found her at the kitchen getting the plates.

I hugged her from behind and kissed her hair.

"Good Morning, Mi Amor" I said nuzzling her neck.

"Good Morning Sleepy head, I was about to go back and check up on you"she greeted back facing me and pecking my lips.

"Let's eat"she said.

After we ate I took a shower then I got out of the shower and found her fixing my clothes.

"I fixed your clothes for you. I hope we have the same taste"she said.

I dressed up and she fixed my tie.

"Bye love I'll see ypu later okay?"I said kissing her

"Bye...I'll be waiting for you tonight"she said winking at me.


That would be so great....

*riiiing* *riing*

Samantha Calling...

««Accept.                 Decline»»

I wonder why Sam is calling did she miss me already...I accepted it

"Hello?"I said

"Zack are you at work already?"she asked

"No not yet I woke up late today my alarm didn't ring"I said.

"yeah right"my wolf said.

"shush"I said.

"Really? Thank God"she said relieved.

"Why?"I asked.

"I woked up late see there was a grey wolf last night and I slept with it but then I woke up he was gone"she said.

"ha ha ha she misses me but not you"my wolf said.

"Oh...I see"I said.

"Yeah he was so cute and fluffy"she said.

"Tell her I'm flattered"he said.

"Do you want me to pick you up?"I asked.

"No no don't. I can hail a cab"she said.

"No I insist. It would just be quick"I said.

"Okay then"she said.

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