Part Twenty Seven ~ Sunday Night

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A/N:  I know...I know...I'm back on track now.  Much love to all.  L  XOXO

Ladies and gentlemen, as we begin our descent into Los Angeles, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Please turn off all electronic devices until we are safely parked at the gate. On behalf of Air Canada and the entire crew, I’d like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a pleasant evening!”

The overhead announcement woke Tom from a dreamless sleep, and he was instantly annoyed.  In truth he had been annoyed since he had left the resort and returned to the real world.  He couldn’t place exactly what it was that was upsetting him, but everything was either too loud, too crowded, or too unlike where he really wanted to be.

     He raised the window shade and looked over the expanse of humanity that was Los Angeles.  Buildings and roads stretched as far as the eye could see, with the freeways carved out of the patterns like rivers.  The air was hazy and brown from the smog as the plane descended closer to the ground. 

     As the plane touched down, Tom turned the transmitter on his phone on, hoping to see a message from Ruby.  He smiled when he saw her name pop up in the notice window.

Hi Trouble. 

I miss you already. 

Emmy is doing alright.  It’s raining here, so she and I are snuggled up on the couch watching movies.  (Not telling you which one…but I’m sure you can guess.)  Her pain meds make her sleepy so it’s been a quiet day. 

Karen, Ron and the kids left a little while after you did and there are new people in their cabin already.  It’s the last full week of the summer so this place will be packed by the end of today. 

Your assistant called and got the info he needed to book my flight.

I know it’s only been a few hours and that I’ll see you on Friday, but I miss you so much.  XOXO

Message me later when you’ve settled into your room. 



Luke was waiting for Tom outside the arrivals area and showed him to the waiting car.

              “How was your flight?”  Luke asked cheerfully as the car pulled away from the curb.

              “Fine.”  Tom grunted in response and reached for his bottle of water.  “Do you have any aspirin?”

              Luke chuckled with a sly grin as he reached into his briefcase and handed Tom the bottle of medicine.  “Late night?”   

              “Shut up, Mate.  I don’t want to talk about it.”  Tom threw two pills into his mouth and washed them down.  He then leaned his head back against the soft leather seat and tried to will his black mood away.  I will see her in five days.  Five days…

              “So, did the vacation help?  Are you all rested up and ready to get back to work?”  Luke asked as he pulled a large notebook from his case.  “I thought we could go over your schedule for this week.”

              Tom groaned and threw his arm up over his eyes.   His brain revolted against the rising stress.  No!  I’m not rested up.  I don’t even want to be here!  Let them find someone else, I’m still tired and worn out.  I just want to go back to my cabin and fall asleep in Ruby’s arms.   I want to see the dog!  I want to sit in a quiet place and not be bothered!!   

              Luke began without waiting for Tom’s answer.  “Monday, August 19th.  Seven AM, wake up and work out for an hour.  Eight AM, shower and get dressed.  Eight thirty, breakfast served in your room.  Two poached eggs, brown toast, assorted fruit, coffee and tea.  Nine fifteen….”

              Luke’s voice faded into background noise as Tom lowered his arm to look out the window of the car with dreaded acceptance of being back in the whirlpool that was his life.


The bungalow that was assigned to Tom was massive compared to the cabin he had left that morning.  There were three bedrooms and a white marble bathroom that even had a crystal chandelier hung above the gleaming bathtub.  There was even a twenty four hour butler that was assigned to his needs.  This was how it was with the rich and famous, every need…every whim….every crazy request was fulfilled without question.  

              His luggage had been delivered while the hotel manager almost fainted with effort to greet Tom and show him to his rooms.  Tom was still wary of a strange man handling his dirty laundry and helped the butler unpack.  As he unloaded his toiletries he noticed that he had mistakenly packed one of the face towels from the resort.  It was worn with age and probably thousands of washings, but the dusky pink cloth with red tulips stitched into the frayed edging was more comforting to him than the snowy white mountain of rolled towels awaiting him here.  Tom hung the towel in the bathroom next to the sink with a longing sigh. 

              His laptop was open on the desk in the main room.  He had logged on to allow all of his TV episodes and emails to download while he unpacked.   He sat down and began his reply email to Ruby

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