My Diary

78 3 1

Entry #1: Shopping & Boys

Shopping today was soooo much fun! Especially with my chicas!

Guess what I bought?

More Angel perfume

Ralph Lauren coat for the winter ( I like being prepared early)

4 pairs of shoes!!

New Gucci purse

And a Pumpkin Spice latte.

I saw an adorbs guy checking me out at Starbucks. I did what I had to do.

Wave and flip my hair. Duh!!!

I eventually got his number, and I am texting him right now. His name is Ken. If only my name was Barbie, then we'd be infinite!!! Ahh!! But I'm happy just the way I am, and I'm 100% sure everyone loves because me being me. *sigh* I love my life. Well, it's time for bed. I have high school tomorrowe, blah, kill me. 



Leesh <3

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