chapter 8

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I woke up in my house wondering what happened my head hurt really bad and I was bandaged. "what happened" I said as natsu walked in with a new bandage " hey sis are you ok?" he said as he took the dirty bandage off my head "oh so you don't remember what happened" he said in a kinda happy tone "so what happened" I asked "oh... well me and you got in a fight about you and gray dating than all of a sudden you fell to the ground holding your stomach" I just looked at him"geez sounds like I went though a lot" natsu put the New bandage on my head then he said "sorry sis I have to go now makorav needs me at the giuld" he said as he left "ok" I said. I laid in bed for a minute before I leaped out of bed and ran to the washroom I came back to my bed after throwing up all over my washroom to see gray sitting on my bed "hey Phoenix you ok" I chould tell he was worried about me "yeah my stomach and head just hurt so what are you doing here" I said "geez I can't check on my girlfriend but the annual fanitasisa talent show is coming and I thought you could enter you sing really good" gray said opening I'd say yes I looked up and said "sure I'd love to be in the talent show gray was so happy for me that when I got ready and went to the giuld

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