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At first, I honestly didn't know how to answer Shawn's question about why I'd cheated on him.

"I just felt"—I shrugged, exasperated and confused—"dead," I whispered. "I felt so alone with you that I just didn't feel alive anymore. I felt so alone that I felt dead." I tried to dry my eyes with my sweater's collar. "Weird, I guess. It took leaving you, and actually dying, to really feel alive again."

For a moment Shawn just stared at me. Then his features contorted, he leaned forward, silently sobbing, and he just started whispering, "I'm sorry, Ash, I'm so sorry," over and over again.

I put my hand on his back.

Then I leaned over and put my arms around him. 

Now Shawn embraced me too. "I know I've lost you," he said. "I've accepted that. . ."

I kissed him.

I took myself totally by surprise doing this, but I couldn't help it. I'd spent so many months hating Shawn and regretting that I'd ever been with him, and, now, in that moment, all I wanted was to be with this deeply familiar person I'd known for so many years, and who, to my surprise, was so contrite, and so earnestly heartbroken.

He pulled away slightly, confused that I'd kissed him.

"It's okay, Ashley. You don't have to—"

I kissed him again. I couldn't help it. Not because I thought I had to make something up to him, or because I thought it was my duty as his wife, but because I wanted to.

I scrambled through the bags left over from the pharmacy raid, and found what I was looking for.

I put a rubber in Shawn's hand.

He looked at me, confused. Then, finally, he kissed me, without holding back. We pulled one another down to the sleeping bag at the floor.

I unbuttoned his jeans, he pulled off my scrubs, still damp from my newly-bathed skin, and before I really comprehended why I was doing this, Shawn was inside me. And we were making love. And I was lost in confusion and bliss.

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