Chapter 1

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A Flash back from the Past:

Zayn's POV

I was sitting in a bench at the park waiting for Elina. She sent me text and said to  meet me here over 10 min. ago and I'm starting to get worried, she's never late she usually is here before me. I was glad she called me cause I was gonna give her something special today. I was lost in my mind for another minute or two and just when I was about to call her I saw her coming towards me.      

I stand up immediately and she just smiled. I loved her smile but this time was different!

"Hey babe what took u so long?" I asked her while hugging her. She breathed first which made me think that she was crying maybe but she quickly recover it with a bright smile, witch I couldn't help but smile back.

"Nothing really was a little bit busy with my brother like always" She answered laughing but her eyes were telling me something else.

"So...any particular reason for this unexpected 'date'?" 

"O sorry I didn't know I wasn't allowed to meet my boyfriend when I miss him" she said looking a little bit hurt, witch surprised me cause she always understood when I was joking.

"I better go than!" she said standing up, but I quickly pulled her back making her fall in my lap.

"Where do u think u're going missy?" I asked smiling.

"Far away from u, what does it looks like?!" she said keeping a strait face.

"U can only go when I tell u too" I said smirking.

"Really?!" she tried to escape my grip but it was useless.

"U really think u can escape me?" I asked laughing.

"Zayn let me go right now, I’m not your slave and u can't tell me when or were to go and...Why the hell are u smiling like that?"

"Because...U are so pretty when u're mad!" and I wasn't joking she really was. That’s one of many reasons why I loved her, but mostly I loved her spirit, she was tough and she never gave up to anyone. She looked at me with sympathy ,and I was lost in her beautiful brown-green eyes and without even knowing we were leaning in to each-other. Our lips were inches apart, and just than her phone started vibrating. She pulled away and I cursed the damn phone under my breath.

"Damn it!" she cursed too. I saw her calling someone and after that I just heard her say "I'll be there in a minute” and than she hung up.

When she turned around I wasted no time.

"Close ur eyes"

"Um...What?!" she asked surprised.

"Just turn around and close ur eyes." I said turning her.


She did as I told her and than I pulled the locket necklace with the heart shape and put it round her neck.

I saw her hand going up her chest, touching it carefully.

"Do you like it?" I whispered in her ear.

"Zayn...I.I l...!" she answered wordless.

"And only I'm the one who has the key." I said to her pointing at a key I was holding.

"I..I don't even know what to say!" I started smiling

"U know I love to see you this way."

"What way?" she asked confused.



"Well u usually always have something to say, and it's really rare to see u this way."   Her eyes were full of tears and she hugged me instantly.

"I love it and I'll never take it off, I promise. I love you so much." she whispered in my ear. 

"I love you too babe. Now do u remember this?" I asked taking a shell out of my pocket.

I saw her eyes light up and she started smiling. Than her phone vibrated again. She ignored it this time and than started touching the shell carefully.

"Zayn can I keep this?"

"Well actually I..."


I turned around to see her 15year old brother standing behind me.

"I'm coming" she replied quickly nodding her head. He nodded too than left.

Before I could ask what was going on I was pulled in to a passionate kiss by Elina, taking me by surprise. I wasted no time kissing back and it felt like our lives were depending on it. No, it felt like it was going to be our last kiss. I was brought back to reality when she pulled of.

"I will always love u, you do know that. Right?." she whispered while interwing our hands together, I saw tears forming in her beautiful eyes again and than falling down.

"Hey...Of course I know and I'll love you forever. Always and Forever right?"I answered still a little bit breathless from the kiss while wiping the tears with my free hand.

"Babe what's wrong?" She hugged me tied while crying and when I was about to ask her again I hared her brother called her again.

"I need to go, my brother's waiting for me."  She replied while pulling off the hug and without even looking at me again started running towards her brother leaving me confused.

What on Earth was going on? Was this the end? Was this goodbye?


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