Chapter 10

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Your P.O.V

Not long after Len and I go to our seats. Ms. Mizu came in and told us that we are having two new students from (C/n) eh ? C/n ??? "You can come in now" Ms. Mizu said to the door and all eyes are at the door. Wait... could it be ? Nah, there's a little chance. The new students came in and both of them had pink hair. "Good morning, My name is Yuuma and this is Luki Mergurine" I heard one of them said, before i can process what is happening i think Yuuma is seating the seat beside me. "Nice to meet you again (Y/n)-chan~" i heard him said. "(L/n)-san, i would like you to give a tour to the new students" i woke up from my dazing state. "Ha-ha'i! E-eh ? What??" "The heck? Why does she get to give those two hotties a tour" i heard (Random girl) said. Oh, a tour.. ok.. Not long after the homeroom is dismissed and the students went to their classes. While Yuma, Luki, and i are going to tour the school. Most of the students are out now

"Shall we start the tour now Yuuma-san ? Mergurine-san?" Yuuma flicked my forehead. "Ouch! What was that for?!" "There's the (Y/n) i know" Yuuma said, somehow this make me blush a bit. "And just call our names like when we're in (C/n)" continued Luki. I shook my head "Nope, it's school. I'm just gonna call your name when we're outside school" i said as i walk to the doors. No students in class just us now. "Hurry up pinkies, I dont want to miss more classes because of touring both of you" both of them relucantly agreed and followed me. I texted Len and Rin that i can't come to have lunch with them.


"Alright the tour is finished and i hope you dont get lost in the school!" I smiled and started to walk away for a bit till Yuuma called me again. " Is there anything you need Yuuma-kun ?" "You are living alone right ? I was told by your mother that i will be living with you" "Yes, i am living alone............. what the f- are you serious ?" i said trying to hold myself not to curse at school and stayed calm eventhough i'm freaking out inside. "Yeah, your mother worried that you might get robbed or something at first it was Yuuma and i, but i've got my sister to take care of so Yuuma is the one living with you" Luki said. I continued silent and not responding to them. "And judging from your appearance right now..." Luki look at me up and down. " one would rob a nerd unpopular girl right" Yuuma snickers knowing i cant give a comeback without revealing my identity.

"Fine, Fine.. when are your things coming?" I waved Yuuma off. "After school." "Okay, do it yourself. I've got theater practice with the kagamines" Right now we are walking to the cafetaria because we missed lunch time because of the tour and the teacher gave us some extra time. "Right, you are wearing the necklace. That means you like it right?" Yuuma said carefully. "Eh, the necklace and the make up are you guys ?" I said a little shocked. "Yep~!" Luki agreed. "Thanks you guys! Wouldn't thought both of you would give me something out of the blue" i smiled. I can see hat they are blushing a bit,or maybe just my hallucination. " Y-your welcome." "It's nice to see you happy" Yuuma and Luki said.


"Ah! The bell! We need to get to class now!" I grabbed each of their hand and ran to the next class and its pretty far from the cafetaria.


"We... made.... it.." I said slaming the door open while catching my breath at the same time. "You know.... you still the same... as before..." Yuuma said. "Yeah... still... a tomboy..." continued Luki, i laughed a bit with them and get in the class. "Tsk, why do they want to talk with her" again, i heard (Random girl2) said. I just ignored the insult and take a seat at the furthest corner at the back while Yuuma and Luki at their perspective seat the teacher arranged.

Right now, we were told to self-study because the teachers is having a meeting. "Hey, do you guys wanna come to karaoke after this ?" I heard (R/n) said to the boys. Sheesh, it's self study and you use it to ask someone for a gathering after school? Give me a break. Well, i'm just gonna focus studying now.

Len P.O.V

I sighed, felt pretty lonely without (Y/n) here. "What are you sighing for Len ?" Miku ask me, right now we are having free class. "It's nothing Miku" "Doesn't look like nothing to me Len" she replied. I just stayed silent so she can leave and flirt ? Nah, just a usual chat with Kaito a.k.a her current boyfriend. I closed my eyes and somehow (Y/n) face is all i see in my mind, her smile, her sad smile at the studio. I forgot to ask her, maybe later i need to arrange a date for us. Wait... "WHAT ???" I accidentally blurt that out and everyone in class staring at me. "What's wrong Len?" Rin ask, obviously concerned. "No, its nothing."

Hmm... what to do... unconsiously i texted (Y/n) number remembering all the teacher is in the meeting. (Y/n) must have either self-study or free class. 'Hey, have you finished touring those two ?' I text her. 'Yep, now it's self study time' Her reply came fast, i she waiting for me to text her ? Nah, i'm just imagining things. 'Oh, alright. Are you free this Saturday ?' 'Yeah, beside a teather practice i'm free' i smiled, widely. Yes! 'Do you want to hang out or something after practice ? \(^○^)/' 'Sure! Why not ? Is Rin coming' 'not sure... gtg, teacher coming' i put back my phone in my pocket but took it out again when i feel another vibrate. 'I'll look forward to Saturday! ^^' (Y/n) replied. I put back my phone and smiled, i'm glad. I hope Rin is coming so it will not be so awkward. No no! Time to focus study time!

Look forward for the next update!


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