Chapter 7

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Her blood rushed heavy through her veins. Her heart was going a mile a minute. The feel of his warm lips making their way to her neck made her shiver. His hands slid under her shirt and up her back. They were hot, the palms rough.

All he had to do was dip a hand inside her shorts and she'd go off like a firecracker.

And that scared her, the intensity she felt. The swift and surprising rise.

Lucy broke the kiss, her hands on his chest. Ian's heart hammered hard and strong against her palm. They stared at each other, speechless, breathless, dazed.

After a moment, he reached up and grabbed her hands at his chest and held them there. "This is the second time you kissed me," he said with an easy smile.

"You started it."

His grin deepened, and Lucy was struck-the way his eyes crinkled at the corners, the white flash of teeth. God, he was sexy. And so solidly built she wanted to strip him naked and run her hands all over him just to see for herself.

Overwhelmed, she looked away and drew in a deep breath. When she returned her gaze, Ian was watching her with a quiet expression. His hands still held hers. She wanted to pull them away, didn't want to be close to him, didn't want to get any more involved.

As if sensing her withdrawal, he released her and returned his shoulder to the wall. "I have two questions," Ian said.


"First, what the hell was with that outfit?"

Lucy burst out laughing. "Liked that, did you?"

"Was mesmerized. All those colors and patterns..."

"It did have a weird hypnotic affect." God, that outfit had been so bad. Beyond bad. She must have looked ridiculous when he'd found her. "Well, just so you know, it wasn't my idea."

"Neither was taking your cousin's place."

Lucy made a face at him. "I'm working on saying no to people... Just remember that." Ian arched a brow at that. "It was Grace Lindsey," she went on. "The lady you had meet me at the airport. She took me shopping and I couldn't exactly say no. Well, I guess I could have. She just seemed so happy with her choice in clothes..."

Ian winced. "Sorry. She lives near the airport and is a very good friend of my uncle's, and offered to help out. Usually she has a bit more style than that, though."

Thunder clapped, making the house shake. With the fire and their conversation, Lucy felt more at ease than she had been in months. She was surprised at how easy it was to talk to Ian, and how interesting it was getting to know him. She was fast becoming a fan of his humor and the smiles that came along with it.

"And the second question," she asked as he stared out the window in deep thought.

Ian looked at her, really looked at her. "The first time... Why did you kiss me?"

Lucy put her head in her hands. "Oh my God." She dropped her hands. "That's your question?"

His smile was naughty and incredibly hot. "That's my question."

"You really want to know?"

"Aye. I want to know." His voice came out low and deep and utterly sincere.

Her first inclination to Ian's question was to close herself off and start doubting. She had nothing of value to say, nothing witty or interesting. He'd think her emotional and ridiculous. Last night, she'd taken a chance, she'd opened herself up to a possibility. So why stop now? Why retreat back into her safe and lonely world?

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