Remeber me

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The bell strikes nine,

And oh my god, it's my time.

So here's my last words,

Before i go hauntingly absorbed.

"I lived a life, so profound,

And built a kingdom in my mind

Where i was crowned.

And those who craved power,

Where drowned.

In my own mind I lived

And it all made sense to me.

No higher, no lower power

The motto was world peace.

But just like every good novel,

My dreams, imagination,

Hopes, love, life, and

Poetry must come to a cease.

So please,

When my immortal life

Comes to a cease,

Like the soldiers,

In korea and vietnamese,

Remember me

For my warm smile

And scrapped up knees.

My slurred manners

And big dreams.

My laughter of the

Most innocent crimes,

The midnight phone calls

I'd try my weakly best

To vanish your

Afflictive cries.

Remember me by

My youth,

My dare-devil side,

My need to jump with

My arms in the air,

Cloud to cloud,

As my dangling feet

Surface the icy blue


Remember me

To be the first

To turn a blind eye.

And too my loved ones,

Please don't dare shed a tear

Or cry. Someday we'll meet

Again when limbo,

And the clouds collide."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2013 ⏰

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