The sacrifice

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The little girl hung by chains. She sat emotionless. She looked around to see black and red. The demons weren't around right now. Her white hair and blue eyes were dull. She remembered her parents who had died. She felt tears and started to cry silently. Her brother who loved her, had left, so knew nothing of her disappearance. Then she felt the presence of a demon. She immediately stopped crying and sat still. It creepily crawled over and smiled hugely. He went over and three the child who expected that. He then started to throw her around and slap her. The girl just stared. "Won't you cry for me?" He asked. The girl glared and kicked it. It smiled again and threw her. "I have a little someone." And he pulled out a young girl. The young girl squirmed trying to save her friend. But the demon didn't let her. He grabbed her friend and put his hand around her neck. The girl's friend cried and tried to get the hand off, but couldn't. 

And eventually died. The girl hung by chains screamed. Her only friend..... Was now dead. She couldn't take it anymore. Her white hair was now black and her blue eyes were now red. She picked up her hand and directed it at the demon. Rage filling her eyes. And she shot fire at it. And meteors fell onto the demon. She couldn't feel its prescience anymore... It was dead. She broke the chains and ran over to her friends side. Her friend was bleeding, but was still alive. "Its going to be OK. I'm going to get help." She toldger friend. But her friend glared. "If only I never met you. If only I didn't get close to you. This is all your fault." And the little girl died. 

The girl looked up and let the tears fall. She pulled the body away and went to find the exit of hell. As she walked out she saw there was white fluffy stuff on the floor and in the air. She finally felt at peace. She looked back to see the demons all dead, and looked to her new home. She walked on, leaving the body buried in the white stuff.  

She looked to see a tall man standing in the white stuff. She ignored him and walked on. The man stared at her. "You've been through many things. Don't you want help?" He asked. The girl didn't look. "I already caused someone their life. Why would I need help?" The man kneeled down to her height. "You are the girl that is used to bear the sin for humankind. You need someone to be there for you." The girl glared. "I don't know you. But why do you know me?" She asked. The man smiled. "That is my power. After all, I came to help you. But seems like you had it taken care of." The girl felt tears rising. "Then why didn't you help the girl?! Why didn't you stop them?!" The man looked down. "Come with me. Help us kill all the cruel demons in this world." The girl gaped. "Will I be able to?" The man nodded. The girl smiled and clenched her fists. "Bring it on."

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